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Power cuts again and again- Abbeydale


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Yes am not far from you and three yesterday. the first one late morning so I thought great, can't do the laundry or the hoovering, I'll go to town instead, but came back at 6 to another one and a very cold house, managed to cook a pan of pasta when it came back on, then another one around 8.30 for a couple of hours. NO idea why it is happening but it is ruining my weekend.

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Exactly the same as me. We missed the morning one. When reporting the final one, the woman was quite hostile and told me to check their website as it gave more detail about what an 'intermittent' fault was (not that I was going to use up the juice on my phone on that).


I told her that a) I understood what the word 'intermittent' meant and b) nobody had told me that it was; poor dear seemed really inconvenienced that I was following procedure to inform them about their failures.


She rattled on without breathing for a couple of minutes with a load of rubbish, mentioning that 20 people have to agree on having the street dug up at night - at this time all I'd done was ring to report it - I hadn't said anything else.


Just makes matters worse. Now I have to find the time to write and complain. I also have a feeling that it isn't sorted.

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Here you go:




If you call them on your mobile, they'll update you by text which is almost always the same thing...first one says they're sending an engineer; second says they hope it'll be fixed in x hours; third one apologises and 'reminds' us how committed they are to improving customer service.

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