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2 x staffies found near Cystal Peaks*home*


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Two lovely friendly staffies have just been found near Crystal peaks.

They were running around in the middle of a main road (Eckington Way) and were lucky not to be killed.

We know they are chipped as someone in pets at home scanned them for us, but the chipping company would not let us have the owners details and nor would they call the owners on our behalf.

These dogs will be taken to a vets to be scanned again first thing in the morning (we couldn't find one that was open) and if we still can't trace the owners they will be taken to the dog pound.

I don't have the dogs here but a family have taken them home to feed them and keep them warm overnight.

If you have lost these dogs then please PM me and I can give you the number of the family that has them.


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Thanks Felicia

Unfortunately by law they have to go to the pound, so if the family who have them can't track the owner by their microchips in the morning they will be at Sheffield pound. I believe they have to stay there then for so many days before being rehomed.

They were very friendly and appeared well looked after so I am guessing someone will be missing them.


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Actually Sarah Jane, the pound have to be informed but they do not have to be handed in. If you take the dogs down there they can scan them and the chipping company will give the pound the owner details.


A few months ago we found a dog wondering, we took her straight to the pound, they scanned her, rang the company got the details and tried to contact the owner. At first there was no answer so we said we did not mind taking the dog home until the owner could be contacted, the pound took all our details and were happy to let us look after the dog to save the owner the release fee.


As we were leaving the owner rang back, she did not know the dog was missing and allowed the pound to give us the details to take the dog back.


I hope the owner is found.

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Right, I am going to try and remain calm and polite here!

1) As the trustee of a local Sheffield dog rescue (one of those you have just mentioned in fact!) I am NOT in cloud cuckoo land and am 100% aware of the plight of staffies. It makes me sick that so many are pts and I know that them being re-homed is INCREDIBLY difficult.

2) The dogs will be going to the pound in the morning IF they are not re-united with their owner.

3) IF the pound allows the family that currently have them to keep them until the owners are found then that is what will happen.


Now PLEASE can we keep this thread on track. Two dogs that could very easily have been knocked over and now in a warm home and being fed. As I have said, the family will keep them in their home IF the owners can't be found and the pound agree to this.

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Think we are very much keeping things on track. 70 quid per dog is alot of money to get it back. Money people mat not he able to afford so keeping them out of pound would be better option. But seeing as you know that he'll am I bothering to try and help. I also hope the dogs find there owner and if you just plugging told me what colour they were then I would probably have known who's they were

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Just to clarify when you find a stray dog you have to inform the pound ,then & only then if they agree & you are the finder of the dog you may be able to have the dog in your care whilst you attempt to contact/find the owner you have to advertise that you have the dog during the first 28 days ,after which you can claim to keep the dog, you are not allowed to pass the dog to a third party as you have accepted your duty of care for the dog this option is only available to the finder of the dog , if you take the dog home without informing the warden or the 101 service it could be classed as theft & you could end up in trouble , We have a system is Sheffield where stray dogs can be handed in to ,this gives them safety ,food and they will get looked after ,anyone losing a dog should contact the pound first thing , then yes they will have to pay for the return of their dog ,but ask yourself why was the dog straying how did it get out ,but most importantly the dog could have caused a rta in which someone could have been seriously injured , we have a good system in Sheffield if we don't use it properly then it may be taken away from us ,& dogs will go elsewhere making it harder to find thus in turn leading to more dogs dying, Sheffield pound do re home or release a lot of unclaimed dogs to rescues , i would not mind paying to retrieve my dog if it ever got out, i would be quite pleased that we have a procedure in place where my dog would be safe .

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Poor dogs - so are they warm and safe tonight bless them. Thats terrible that the microchip company wouldn't notify the owners that you had them - they could be home and dry now - no doubt (hopefully) the owners will be running around hairless searching for them.


I can vouch that Felicia is a volunteer with Rain Rescue at our charity shop - and has a good heart and was trying to help out here as she did with another poor dog found wandering around near the shop. However, she obviously doesn't understand the law on what has to happen with a stray dog and clarifications as above are correct - only the finder can keep the dog short term pending an owner coming for it - failing that - it has to be held in the council dog pound - or if the pound sanction it being held somewhere else but notified at the pound.


Rain Rescue will never hold dogs that have been found as strays.

Only this week someone phoned us to ask if we could help with a greyhound she had picked up - i told her that she had to take it to the pound as she couldn't keep it herself. She said she couldn't bear to do that and would rehome it herself. I couldn't get through to her that it could be someones dog that was demented looking for it, how was the owner to find it if she just rehomed it. She hadn't even reported it as found to the council.


No wonder dogs go missing and never found.


Hopefully the law has now been clarified - Felicia's kind offer remembered and the 2 dogs will be back safe and sound in the morning and RR's reputation in tact.

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Thanks Rain.

It now turns out that the family that took them can't keep them overnight as they have 'gone' for one of their dogs. I am currently organising picking them up, along with Nigel, so we can get them to the pound.

The microchip company have now apparently tried to get hold of the owners but no one is answering etc etc...the usual story with staffies unfortunately.

I wish I could bring them to me but I already have a dog that doesn't like other dogs so it would be impossible!

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