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Kids throwing stones at passing cars


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At the junction at top of Foxhill road, hubby was driving home from work about 7.30pm tonight, stopped at the junction and a group of youths in hoodies started throwing things, he thinks stones, at car. He put window down and asked what they were doing, and they all gathered round car asking "what?!". When he drove off they threw stones again.

Been reported to police but what are they gonna do really??!! Just Ask them politely to move on I expect, then they can just go and do it somewhere else.


Makes my blood boil, they have no respect for anything, we work hard to be able to afford a nice car and little ****s like that just pointlessly throwing stones at it. What is wrong with kids today? Don't know if any damage done as it was too dark to see, guess we'll find out in the morning hey?!

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At the junction at top of Foxhill road, hubby was driving home from work about 7.30pm tonight, stopped at the junction and a group of youths in hoodies started throwing things, he thinks stones, at car. He put window down and asked what they were doing, and they all gathered round car asking "what?!". When he drove off they threw stones again.

Been reported to police but what are they gonna do really??!! Just Ask them politely to move on I expect, then they can just go and do it somewhere else.


Makes my blood boil, they have no respect for anything, we work hard to be able to afford a nice car and little ****s like that just pointlessly throwing stones at it. What is wrong with kids today? Don't know if any damage done as it was too dark to see, guess we'll find out in the morning hey?!


could it be snow balls, they can be quite hard like stones?, just a thought, no excuse though, i agree they are little s**ts who have no respect for other peoples property :rant:

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At the junction at top of Foxhill road, hubby was driving home from work about 7.30pm tonight, stopped at the junction and a group of youths in hoodies started throwing things, he thinks stones, at car. He put window down and asked what they were doing, and they all gathered round car asking "what?!". When he drove off they threw stones again.

Been reported to police but what are they gonna do really??!! Just Ask them politely to move on I expect, then they can just go and do it somewhere else.


Makes my blood boil, they have no respect for anything, we work hard to be able to afford a nice car and little ****s like that just pointlessly throwing stones at it. What is wrong with kids today? Don't know if any damage done as it was too dark to see, guess we'll find out in the morning hey?!


Its because they are dirty, filthy scumbags. Utter wasters with no hope. The only answer is to give them a scutch. Scrubbers.

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Well yes I agree, only hope is that because it is a stop sign most cars would be stationary so wouldn't loose control over car, but it is a possibility that some one could get hurt. I would imagine it could also be intimidating for someone alone in car as it was quite a big group.

Police said they would send a car up, not much description to give, as it was dark and they were all wearing dark hoodies pulled right over.


---------- Post added 14-01-2013 at 22:55 ----------


Could have been snowballs I guess, but you never know with kids these days, they probably put stones in the middle of them!

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Well yes I agree, only hope is that because it is a stop sign most cars would be stationary so wouldn't loose control over car, but it is a possibility that some one could get hurt. I would imagine it could also be intimidating for someone alone in car as it was quite a big group.

Police said they would send a car up, not much description to give, as it was dark and they were all wearing dark hoodies pulled right over.


---------- Post added 14-01-2013 at 22:55 ----------


Could have been snowballs I guess, but you never know with kids these days, they probably put stones in the middle of them!


i hope there is no damage to your OH 's car :(

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It makes my blood boil when idiot yobbo,s do this to us normal folk. They cannot be classed as normal. They are ferrel. Its all well and good saying its the society we live in, but its just getting worse. Do these idiots parents know what thier kids are doing, or dont they give a flying fart? Yes, we can all remember the local bobby giving us a clip for scromping, but its not PC for them to do it nowadays, but it bloody well should be.

I hope your car isnt too badly damaged, by the way.

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It makes my blood boil when idiot yobbo,s do this to us normal folk. They cannot be classed as normal. They are ferrel. Its all well and good saying its the society we live in, but its just getting worse. Do these idiots parents know what thier kids are doing, or dont they give a flying fart? Yes, we can all remember the local bobby giving us a clip for scromping, but its not PC for them to do it nowadays, but it bloody well should be.

I hope your car isnt too badly damaged, by the way.


Thanks, he doesn't think it should be, said it sounded like stones rather than rocks but still, why should we have any damage done to our car at all!

That's the trouble now thou, they're not scared of the police at all, they know they'll not do anything! And I'm sure most if the parents don't care at all, at least they're out from under their feet!

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It makes my blood boil when idiot yobbo,s do this to us normal folk. They cannot be classed as normal. They are ferrel. Its all well and good saying its the society we live in, but its just getting worse. Do these idiots parents know what thier kids are doing, or dont they give a flying fart? Yes, we can all remember the local bobby giving us a clip for scromping, but its not PC for them to do it nowadays, but it bloody well should be.

I hope your car isnt too badly damaged, by the way.


the parents dont give a s**t as long as they are not bugging them eh? :mad:

also the kids know how to flout the law better than the law itself !!!

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