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Road rage..no need for it

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sorry but if they are in emotional turmoil and not thinking straight they shouldnt be behind the wheel of a powerful potential killing machine, not that road rage is acceptable but theres a vast difference between road rage and letting someone know your angry at their foolish and dangerous behaviour. Not concentrating when behind the wheel comes under "due care and attention" and costs lives. Rage for someone stalling a car tho is quite ridiculous.

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sorry but if they are in emotional turmoil and not thinking straight they shouldnt be behind the wheel of a powerful potential killing machine, not that road rage is acceptable but theres a vast difference between road rage and letting someone know your angry at their foolish and dangerous behaviour. Not concentrating when behind the wheel comes under "due care and attention" and costs lives. Rage for someone stalling a car tho is quite ridiculous.


I once saw a fella road rage himself for stalling his own car. He jumped out and put his fist through both drivers side windows then get back in, take some deep breaths and start it up and drive off, crazy :hihi:

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sorry but if they are in emotional turmoil and not thinking straight they shouldnt be behind the wheel of a powerful potential killing machine, not that road rage is acceptable but theres a vast difference between road rage and letting someone know your angry at their foolish and dangerous behaviour. Not concentrating when behind the wheel comes under "due care and attention" and costs lives. Rage for someone stalling a car tho is quite ridiculous.


mm i take your point ..i think maybe i used the wrong words in emotional turmoil ...i meant something on their mind in the way that everybody has all the time and allowing that to take precedence over their driving...in most cases the good driver does accommodate the bad driver on the road..i,m always ready to take evasive action especially on the motorway because you can never anticipate what somebodys going to do

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I've never understood the term "Road Rage."


I suspect it's just a media construct.


Surely it's just anger at incompetence, that happens to be car based.


yes but you dont fall out with somebody in similar circumstances if your,e not in a car...if somebody walks across your path you or they say sorry and thats the end of it...yet we all feel anger when we are in a car...i dont know why that is

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I was very calm when the woman in the 2012 blue VW Caddy pulled out of the Peacock Inn car park while simultaneously putting on her seat belt and talking on the mobile 'phone. She was very careful pulling out, so careful that she crossed over the middle white line causing on-coming traffic to have to stop.


I assume that, because she had 2 children in the car, she was taking her time in order to avoid an accident.


I can easily understand how a less tolerant person than myself could indulge in road rage without understanding the stress she was under.

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yes but you dont fall out with somebody in similar circumstances if your,e not in a car...if somebody walks across your path you or they say sorry and thats the end of it...yet we all feel anger when we are in a car...i dont know why that is


Here's a

great cartoon about the pedestrians vs motorists cutting each other off.

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I was very calm when the woman in the 2012 blue VW Caddy pulled out of the Peacock Inn car park while simultaneously putting on her seat belt and talking on the mobile 'phone. She was very careful pulling out, so careful that she crossed over the middle white line causing on-coming traffic to have to stop.


I assume that, because she had 2 children in the car, she was taking her time in order to avoid an accident.


I can easily understand how a less tolerant person than myself could indulge in road rage without understanding the stress she was under.


precisely the fact of the matter is we get enraged becuase foolish people endanger ours, our loved ones and other peoples lives, accidents will always happen the main point is if the accident is caused by foolishness, carelessness ,incompetence or just plain stupidity then tempers fly

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