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Compulsory litter picking outside your own house.

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What if you do clear your own rubbish up and don't litter (picking up dog poo etc too) but then the blue bin crew come along and dump the contents of a whole blue box on the pavement outside your house?


I don't drop chewing gum, cigarette ends or anything else, I have a bin in the car which is used diligently to avoid littering while I'm out and the recycling isn't even mine. Why should the responsibility for clearing up fall on me?


Is it likely they wil dump outside my gaff?It sounds a bit weird!


You should remove the litter as a matter of pride-whats five seconds effort?I would grant exemptions for OAPs and ask them to nominate a neighbour instead.

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Is it likely they wil dump outside my gaff?It sounds a bit weird!


You should remove the litter as a matter of pride-whats five seconds effort?I would grant exemptions for OAPs and ask them to nominate a neighbour instead.


It's not 5 seconds of effort. The floor is a very long way away for someone with a spinal problem and when I walk I have a walking stick in the arm that I could use for picking anything up.


The assumption that it's easy for everybody really doesn't pan out you know.

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