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2011 ethnicity & population data for Sheffield, pop up 7.7%


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White British/English/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish: 80.8%

White Irish: 0.5%

White Gypsy/Traveller: 0.1%

White Other: 2.3%

Mixed - White and Black: 1.2%

Mixed - White and Asian:0.6%

Mixed - Other Mixed: 0.6%

Asian/Asian British - Indian: 1.1%

Asian/Asian British - Pakistani: 4.0%

Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi: 0.6%

Asian/Asian British - Chinese: 1.3%

Asian/Asian British - Other Asian: 1.0%

Black African: 2.1%

Black Caribbean: 1.0%

Black Other: 0.5%

Arab: 1.5%

Any Other ethnic group: 0.7%


Source = 2011 census.

2011 Census: KS201EW Ethnic group, local authorities in England and Wales (Excel sheet 335Kb), Release date =11 Dec 12, Reference table.




Data from the 2001 census can be found here;




In 2001, Sheffield had a population of 513 230, 457 728 (89.2%) of which were White British.

In 2011, Sheffield had a population of 552 698, 446, 837 (80.8%) of which were White British.


In the past 10 years Sheffield's population has increased by 39 468. That is an increase of 7.7% upon the 2001 population. There were 10 891 less White British people in Sheffield in 2011 than there were in 2001 (myself being one of those who left). The White British population (relative to itself) has fallen by 2.4%.


In 2001 there were 55502 non-White British, in 2011 there were 105861 non-White British, a 50359 (90.7%) increase.


A 7.7% increase in the population of Sheffield over 10 years is a very big increase indeed, and this translates to a need for more housing, schools, hospital beds etc.

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It has....its got a lot more "brown" but some Sheffielders think that is a good thing..... Then again some Sheffielders vote labour


Nothing wrong with a bit of colour, a plain white sheet of paper does look bland till you add some colour to it. :D

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White British/English/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish: 80.8%

White Irish: 0.5%

White Gypsy/Traveller: 0.1%

White Other: 2.3%

Mixed - White and Black: 1.2%

Mixed - White and Asian:0.6%

Mixed - Other Mixed: 0.6%

Asian/Asian British - Indian: 1.1%

Asian/Asian British - Pakistani: 4.0%

Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi: 0.6%

Asian/Asian British - Chinese: 1.3%

Asian/Asian British - Other Asian: 1.0%

Black African: 2.1%

Black Caribbean: 1.0%

Black Other: 0.5%

Arab: 1.5%

Any Other ethnic group: 0.7%


Source = 2011 census.

2011 Census: KS201EW Ethnic group, local authorities in England and Wales (Excel sheet 335Kb), Release date =11 Dec 12, Reference table.




Data from the 2001 census can be found here;




In 2001, Sheffield had a population of 513 230, 457 728 (89.2%) of which were White British.

In 2011, Sheffield had a population of 552 698, 446, 837 (80.8%) of which were White British.


In the past 10 years Sheffield's population has increased by 39 468. That is an increase of 7.7% upon the 2001 population. There were 10 891 less White British people in Sheffield in 2011 than there were in 2001 (myself being one of those who left). The White British population (relative to itself) has fallen by 2.4%.


In 2001 there were 55502 non-White British, in 2011 there were 105861 non-White British, a 50359 (90.7%) increase.


A 7.7% increase in the population of Sheffield over 10 years is a very big increase indeed, and this translates to a need for more housing, schools, hospital beds etc.


Interesting stats.

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It has....its got a lot more "brown" but some Sheffielders think that is a good thing..... Then again some Sheffielders vote labour


You could've mentioned the changing patterns of home ownership, employment and faiths that were also highlighted in the Census population data, though I noticed that it is the ethnic diversity of the population that prompted you to post :roll:

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They haven't got me in those statistics as I refused to fill out the part of the census that dealt with race and ethnicity. I just left it blank.


You may think it's acceptable to hand over that knowledge to the government, but remember that the Germans found Holland the easiest country under their control in which to round up Jews for sending to the death camps. That was entirely down to meticulous Dutch record keeping about their populations ethnicity.


Our government is currently benign in that respect, but that could easily change in a decade or three.

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1.3% is mental. Either we have a huge non-student population nobody noticed or we have a massively disproportionate student population, which needs looking at.


The Chinese?


Lots of them now work and own property here, some even rent out property. Many students and professionals too.


---------- Post added 12-12-2012 at 00:27 ----------


Chinese population in Sheffield 2001 = 2201 out of 513 230 = 0.43%

Chinese population in Sheffield 2011 = 7398 out of 552 698 = 1.34%


Quite a considerable increase! 236%!

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