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I've just been accosted by a fox in Tesco!


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I was in the car park at Abbeydale Road, loading my shopping into the boot of my car, when I realised I wasn't alone. I looked round and there, barely two feet away, was a fox looking up at me menacingly (well, hopefully to be fair).


Luckily I also have sharp pointy teeth, so I snarled and it wandered off nonchalantly to find another victim.


Should we blame the hunting ban or just the cold weather?

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Since when have you ever heared of a fox attacking a grown human being?...


No need to growl at it, instead give it some of the food you were loading into your car.


Poor thing has cubs to feed + it's winter...! OP Not an animal lover i take it.

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Poor thing has cubs to feed + it's winter...! OP Not an animal lover i take it.


They won't have cubs at this time of year. If you were an animal lover, you'd know that.


But - to the OP, I love foxes and they come to my garden most nights but I admit if I turned round and found one standing that close to me it would startle me. I really don't think you had anything to fear from it and if it had been me, i'd have been looking for something in my bags to feed it with. It was quite a special moment really, some people would love to have an encounter like that.

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