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Metal detectorhi im lookin for a metal detector

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I have just started this carry on. So far I have been out three times, my finds have been mostly coins and the odd bit of rubbish. My machine can tell the difference between metals and how deep they are.

My aim is to find ancient sites but at the moment I am still learning how to use the darn thing :hihi:

It is amazing though how the most unlikely bit of land throws up loads of stuff.


In time as I get better it will become really good, at first I thought it was a bit nerdy but now realise it's serious stuff and worthwhile.

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I'd also love to get into this... This was found about half a mile from my house. My whole village was obviously a very busy place in Roman times - it is not unknown for people to dig up Roman items in their gardens.


This isn't the first big find either - in the 1930s a hoard of 100 coins was found at the other end of the village.


I find it fascinating that these coins or items could be left undisturbed for hundreds of years, through the Middle Ages, the Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, two World Wars and goodness knows how many people living in the village... How did they get there?

Edited by Andy
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