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IT career advice needed for a disillusioned graduate


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Hi All,


I've read some threads about the job agencies mentioned and the jobs available within IT in Sheffield. Which there is not an awful lot of choices.


Can anyone tell me whether they too work in IT AND lives in Sheffield ? Is it even possible ? Are u contracting or are you commuting ? How do u stay afloat ?


At the moment, I'm quite disillusioned as to what I should do next. Whether to give up the skillset which I gathered within the past 4 years on an ERP system, or do I try and find other jobs within IT, but not ERP types ? On top of that, I have a mortgage payment to upkeep too, and I don't really wanna sell up and move away from here just yet. Cos I have families here.


As I was made redundant from my position cos they were cost-cutting, and after reading what a few ppl have said here, there isn't an awful lot of IT jobs within Sheffield. How do u IT professional work and still live in Sheffield ? What I really don't want is to find myself in such a situation again, and be tied down with a mortgage this way. Any advices are welcomed.

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I've waited 5 years and found a new job in sheffield. I was working at Capgemini, which whilst based in Rotherham meant I was generally working away from home.


There is some work around, but there's just not much as you've noticed.

Leeds is commutable, and has a lot more IT work, other than that all I can suggest is keep checking out the websites (such as gojobsite) and send your cv off to the agencies (huxleys, and all the rest).

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I work as a support engineer in Sheffield and think I am quite lucky. If I were to loose this job I would be forced to be a field engineer again which I don't really want to do. I think commuting to Leeds would be your best option if you have useful IT skills, seems more work there. Good luck.

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Lol, there's loads of IT jobs in Sheffield - not sure where you've go the idea that there isn't. Before I took the posisiton I'm in at the moment, I was getting several phone calls a week of agencies. I recommend looking at http://www.jobsite.co.uk and posting your CV, there's also a couple of other online places, but keep away from Monster - far to many people and far to little jobs...

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Well, I've searched on Jobserve, and on Cwjobs quite a bit. Coupled with reading the threads here as well. Thanks for the people who mentioned agencies like Modis and Tek. Though they don't seem to be permanent roles. More like contracting. My last role started as project support, then onto application support (3rd line helpdesk) with developments/enhancements. All on the same ERP system.


I once went into a high street agency and was surprised at the lack of IT jobs available. I didn't go back again. They didn't have many data-entries role, cos I asked about whether I should do those to tie myself over. They thought that I'm too qualified for some of the support roles (!) The irony of wanting to get a job but couldn't get a job.


The handful of jobs from the likes of Jobserve seems to be web-based or java orientated...


dxmedia - do u mind me asking what kind of IT positions were they ? Was it developers or support or ...even multi-media as suggested by your nickname ?


[Added] Firecracker / DXmedia - do both of you actually live and work in Sheffield or do u commute to your workplace, and its outta the city ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This link will provide you with a whole host of Graduate Jobs

At least 62 jobs with an immediate start. Yesterday evening when I searched through links from the Sheffield Hallam University site I found a whole host of IT jobs in the Sheffield environs.


I suggest you identify the sort of organisation you REALLY REALLY want to work for, find out as much as possible about them, do your best to develop contacts with them (students and at other level tp mentor you on how to gain employment with them) AND practice on all of the rest because practice makes perfect.


Hope this is of some help, keep trying and dont give up because as they say if you dont kick the ball you cant score a goal :D

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I work in support in Sheff, and have done for 6 years now, never ever go with high street agencies (possibly TEC, in bells square off tripet lane is the only exception), Computer People, Hays IT, MSB, they're all reasonable agencies with IT companies, put your CV on jobserve or job site, make it avalible for public viewing, and wait, you'll get a few calls initially for recruitment companies will put you on their books, and then you'll start to get the interview offers...

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Thanks for all the information and advice people.


I got my last job from Jobserve years ago. Though at that time, I was single and free. Was able to commute anywhere and work in any IT jobs. I think it's only dawned on me in the last year or so that I may have to work and commute away from Sheffield if I need to get other positions. It seems that there isn't such a movement of IT ppl in Sheffield in general, so I did get a tad disillusioned.


Believe me, I've thought about changing careers too like nursing or teaching just because the demands are there, and it means I can stay in Sheffield. Though for now, I think I will stick with IT, and see where it leads...


Thanks for the replies people. It's definitely 'food for thoughts'.


[Added] Wendy: Just a note on Graduate positions. I still am registered to the Prospects' website. I went to a graduate careers fair last year in Manchester. I have asked the recruiters about their positions for graduates. Apparently (majority of) companies will only take graduates which have finished university within 2 years of their graduation. So I fall outside of this category too.


I know companies may still take on someone who is not a graduate, or have graduated a long time ago for their graduate positions, but maybe at their discrepancies. As my sister was almost offered this at HSBC a while back where she temped.


I suppose I have to be upbeat, but sometimes such realism about jobs availability and prospects doesn't half dampen you.

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Keep looking, like people say don't rule out anything. I live in Sheffield and have worked in IT for 22 years, of which about half were actually based in Sheffield. I now work for a company based in Cheshire, my site is in Wilmslow but I work from home two days a week. If a company wants you enough then they will accomodate your needs. More & more companies are now getting switched on to the Home/work life balance.


Good Luck

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