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Hospital TV rip off

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In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[3] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[4] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.


To disagree is NOT to troll.

OR if it is then I am now trolling.


IMO, by the tone of GRAM?'s post that was their sole intension.

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What I find incredible is you have to pay to watch free channels £20 for 3 days!


I don't care if the companys are making money or not the point is its wrong.


Whats to stop each ward having a couple of tv's plugged into a communal airiel showing free to air channels?


I bet if you went to some big companys with a bit of advertising they would provide this either free or at very little cost,you can buy a portable flatscreen for £100.

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I am taxed to the hilt ;I get NOTHING for free. I even pay duty AND VAT on the fuel that I use in my car to go to work where I pay National Insurance and income tax in huge amounts. When I get home in the evening and put my heating on I pay VAT on my fuel costs. If I wear my car tyres out going to work I need to replace them and pay VAT on that.

I get NOTHING for free!:rant:

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i agree with Gram? if you dont like the price dont pay it --- get a tablet/phone/laptop/whatever record the programs onto them and take them for the patient to watch that would be the free way to do it. If I had to go in i certainly would not pay for the service, id read a book or two.

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I actually agree with Gram here; you don't go into hospital to watch television, you go to have an illness treated. Whether you think it's fair or not, you do not need television in your life. If you don't want to pay for it then go without. You could always read a book if you're bored.

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This private system has been in our hospitals for years & years. It's been a total rip off right from the start and people have been complaining about it to various governments for years but nothing is done about it. Surprise surprise !!! I've been an in patient several times and I refuse to pay their extortionate rates. I know it's not easy but if everybody did the same I'm sure it would have some consequence, but they won't. People moan but still use it. :rant

I don't think people mind paying for a service. WHAT WE DO MIND IS BEING TOTALLY RIPPED OFF. :mad:


GRAN ? Words fail me, CLOUD CUCKOO LAND !!!!! :loopy::huh:

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