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Pregnant woman in racist gang attack gets let off

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sorry, I cant get why that is worse than, say, calling him a fat Sheffield b*****d for example?

Its still assualt, the reasons should be secondary to the actions


I see what you're saying regarding the attack - an assault is an assault - but there is an element to this attack that classifies it as a hate crime. I'm afraid that doesn't cover calling people "fat Sheffield b*****ds". So there is a difference.


From the Home Office http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/crime/hate-crime/


"What is hate crime?


Hate crime involves any criminal offence which is perceived, by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a personal characteristic. The definition covers five main strands, in particular - disability, gender-identity, race, religion or faith and sexual orientation.


Legislation has been in place for a number of years to protect victims from such hate crimes, including offences for those who intend to stir up racial hatred, and those who commit racially and religiously aggravated offences or engage in racist chanting at football matches. New criminal offences have also been introduced in recent years to reflect the seriousness of hate crime, including enhanced sentencing.


On 13 September 2012, the Home Office published statistics on hate crimes recorded by the police in England and Wales for the first time. In 2011/12, 43,748 hate crimes were recorded by the police, of which:


35,816 (82 per cent) were race hate crimes

1,621 (4 per cent) were religion hate crimes

4,252 (10 per cent) were sexual orientation hate crimes

1,744 (4 per cent) were disability hate crimes

315 (1 per cent) were transgender hate crimes

Race hate crimes accounted for the majority of hate crimes recorded in all police forces."

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I know of that legislation, but what I cant "get" its that if someone smacks me in the mouth it hurts, whatever they say before or during the smack.....


It just seems to be adding a not needed layer of illegality to something that should be a "blind crime" - If you hit someone you pay the price...which with the state of many violent minded people would be one they never seem to expect :D

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I know of that legislation, but what I cant "get" its that if someone smacks me in the mouth it hurts, whatever they say before or during the smack.....


It just seems to be adding a not needed layer of illegality to something that should be a "blind crime" - If you hit someone you pay the price...which with the state of many violent minded people would be one they never seem to expect :D


I think the way I see it is not as an extra layer of illegality but as a more focused category of crime for the purpose of fine tuning the mechanisms in place to prevent it.


Whether a violent hate crime should carry a higher sentence than an equally violent non-hate crime is for society to decide. I'm still not sure to be honest.

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has she ended up in jail then ?


No, no criminal record whatsoever, which is why I don't buy into this bs idea that jailing a parent damages the kids.


What example does it set to this woman's kids that they can kick seven bells out of somebody and still walk away from court? Probably end up just like her.

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No, no criminal record whatsoever, which is why I don't buy into this bs idea that jailing a parent damages the kids.


What example does it set to this woman's kids that they can kick seven bells out of somebody and still walk away from court? Probably end up just like her.

your partner didnt end up just like her dad , so why do you think her kids will end up just like her ? double standards perhaps :hihi:
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