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Working commission paid jobs do they actually pay

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and you will still be working for a boss in his legal pyramid until your retire take a pay cut and have to survive on what is left...unless you are made redundent...


Please don't make assumptions.


I work for a boss, yes. But there is no pyramid involved. Not every single job involves making money for a top boss.


Unfortunately for you the old people are figuring out that with a free bus pass, they can get to Poundland and get all their products much cheaper.


---------- Post added 26-12-2012 at 16:51 ----------


i never mentionned the 2 big conferences at the nia in birmingham where everybody is invited because it is not a selling point to the business.



I know you didn't that was the point.


Trust me I have heard the same drivel time and time again. Normally the conference is one of the first things they mention.


You say everyone is invited. Interesting. Some sellers in the past have made it out that only the top sellers are invited. I bet you have to pay to go, right?


See how Kleeneeze is just one big web of decpetion - lying about conferences, bragging about holidays, all to recruit people to the bottom of your pyramid. And above all selling goods you know are much cheaper elsewhere, preying on the old and lonely.

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  • 2 years later...

To massey3.Before contributing to this thread,I will say that I am self employed as a co ordinator with Betterware.

There are fundamental big differences between the companies that have been named, and the reason for this choice was the company had instances that were compatible with mine.

One of them is that they never state that any person with Betterware will become a millionaire.

I would find it vulgar and unprofessional to use this Forum to decry the other companies and so I will not bad mouth them.


However like any company of a similar ilk they are always looking for new workers.My suggestion to anyone looking for part time working would be ,take note of what people have said on this thread and give the respective companies a try. If you earn your desired amount then you have achieved your aim.But if you are paying out more than you are earning then it stands to reason you have been given false promises.If you then wish to pose any questions about Betterware and how they work ,then by all means contact me .

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the other thing with avon is that you have to get new books every three weeks. placing catalogue with familly is the perfect way to start but for longer term sales and income you need to develop a customer base. someone i know has been an avon lady for 11 years and will collect around £1000 worth of sales every month, as a kleeneze distributor and a 10years old customer base i personaly sale around £2500 every 4 weeks and this christmas it was around £3500 of sales in 4 weeks (21% was my commission) and then the bonuses for total sales of the people in my team...now in south of france on holiday for christmas spending all this money...


I know it's an old post.. but it makes you wonder if they ever declared any of it to the taxman doesn't it.

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I know it's an old post.. but it makes you wonder if they ever declared any of it to the taxman doesn't it.


I guess you'd need to ask the same question about anyone employed that does self assessment or any self employed business owners that submit their own accounts

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my answer s jusr dont bother lt of hard work for nothing


---------- Post added 16-04-2015 at 23:27 ----------


my answer is just dont bother lt of hard work for nothing, yr petrol or leg work. unless u work at a factory or place with huge woekforce where u can build up a raport n pss yr catlogue round.

if it knocking on doors DO NOT DO soul destroying.

Dont believe all yr told in the "pep talk"


go for the experience ONLY if it isnt costing you anyhing in a monetary way :)

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