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buzzy bee

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Everything posted by buzzy bee

  1. so have bn lucky enough to find some summer work, processing exam papers for edexcel with pearsons at Hellaby. Thing i dont understand is that the contract that i have bn offered is split into 2. I.e. (not gunna give specific dates cos dont wanna b targeted as a problem!0. but its for 5 wks n the first is for three weeks n then a 2 day space n then a 2 week work again.............. Just don't understand the logistics n bussiness sense of why its split into 2 ???????? The break is a Sat n Sun Anyone familisr of this, theyre employing 1,400 people over three shifts, some one must be familiar with this. They emply this amount of peop every summer. shout out for anyone that has done this b4... Steve the Small Bussiness guy, u know anything????????????? curious. buzzy Bee
  2. well I'm so glad your bro finally got paid but yeah these agencies give themselves a bad name, kick th pl company to the curb, lemme know how you go on. Am in similar situation myself, i.e lucky if I get work, iv just signed a contract for 5 wks work this summer, and all the setting up of documents has bn done through e-mails and \i have to say the agency has been impeccable so far. I think this is because it is like a sister part of the actual company I am gonna work for but cant grumble. hey who can with the job situation this dire. Gud luck to you in the future buzzy Bee
  3. You should have taken photos b4 and after of all the 'clean up's they have done........Its obviouse they are playing for time. Keep us informed on how you go on. I too have worked in care (elderly) n (E.M.I) and was absolutely gobsmacked at some of the daily mis practices that just had to be done to get "the job done!"
  4. but for someone earning 150quid a week doing casual labour, very unlikely that he is gunna be in the know re accountants n all that stuff... These bloody agencies drive me nuts. youve bn lucky so far if youve always been paiddirect by the agency as what alot of them do is State the hourly rate quite high Then charge you an admin fee to pay you..so really yr getting the min pay
  5. can i ask, How did you apply for this job, and what was the process so far?
  6. Ok tyeve, well Im nor bussiness minded or even walk in that oworld or circles. So that says it all really, I'm not unique, there must be millions of people like me who just dont see it comming. I just quickly looked at the first page that came up on the web and didnt read any further. Does seem a bit odd tho, regarding when african scans happen they tend to quote addresses off the monopoly board..... So Yeah I suppose anyone with computor knowlege could create a website. Tough on the guy with 9quid in his bank ballance though. Steve iv seen you many times on this site, are you a local m.p or something? ---------- Post added 01-05-2015 at 19:09 ---------- i just googled yr pictur, I.e r click find this image in the web thing, n five lots of yr picture but with different names????????? i I clicked on one n got some bob guy but couldnt rerad any futher without signing into LinkedIn. Why does yr image appear nxt to other peops names. Im sure this kis all the norm but like i said i dont walk in the bussiness world so am not familiar with these sites, but please Steve enlighten me
  7. I just googled pml accounts n they are based in London nr St Pauls cathedral, there is even a big swanky entrance. Hope its not a scam I do know that all emails from my area wer gettting failur notices yesterday. So lets hope its miss communication for you n not a scam
  8. Steve just reading yr reply. How do you know that the accountants are based in Poland?
  9. my answer s jusr dont bother lt of hard work for nothing ---------- Post added 16-04-2015 at 23:27 ---------- my answer is just dont bother lt of hard work for nothing, yr petrol or leg work. unless u work at a factory or place with huge woekforce where u can build up a raport n pss yr catlogue round. if it knocking on doors DO NOT DO soul destroying. Dont believe all yr told in the "pep talk" go for the experience ONLY if it isnt costing you anyhing in a monetary way
  10. hi buzzy bee here regarding yr coment on how to tailor a c.v. Hws about this then, last year I did a government funded course, designed to help people get bk to work, Elmfield Training. I put ths question to my 'tutor' and was told no you only need to have one c.v....! I knew this was incorrect but when trained people are being role modles and mentors to people who hve been out of wor for a length of time its really annoying when they just take the option of the easiest cop out. I.E if the tutor had had to help generate a class full of c.v's it would have bn a lot more work for her! Very wrong, in fact the course was a lie. Good luck to all those who have to go on these courses but speak up for yourselfs if you feel you are being conned.
  11. hanna h i wud luv to but this site tells me ai cant send u apersonal reply. I am a fossil n this is my first forum. I really dont know how to use one, or even if this im typing now will be posted or sent. Im so ignorant of this media type that i m not sure about much of how it works, Imagine im an alien n help me with step by step instructions. I wont be offended ---------- Post added 05-04-2015 at 00:02 ---------- ........ If they are ficticious dont u think that Universal job match, the site that we as job seekers were pushed to search on, should be legit!!!! That websit, Universal cost millions. I was told by the guy that "signs" me that there is a rumour within the dept that it is going to be disolved!................. It was only created as a way of keeping an eye o us job seekers n checking that we actually did our searches. but heres a bit of info that every job seeker should know.... You do not have to give them permission to have access to yr 'site'. This is a ffact, they do not have access to check my site!, I havent given them permission. Just say no. When asked why I wouldnt give permissipn I just gave the asnwer, or rather response, "big brother is watching you!"...You dont have to give a reason n dont br bullied into it. they tried three timeds with me. Sory but I have enough worries without them using data against me. Buzzy Bee ---------- Post added 05-04-2015 at 00:22 ---------- hi buzzy bee here, strarted this thread. im actually suprised that this is new to you... n when u say/state !"...reputed ones" yes we all know what you mean but really not the case is it? I think the jist of my statement has bn lost! My main statement was companies using job advertisments as a way of gettting their own companies FREE advertisement. As soon as you do a search for a job nxt thing you know r/h side of screen is filled with their agencys' stuff. Or a company logo. All that we never asked for. just a very cheap way of getting advertising at a job seekers expense. I wish you luck.................. Buzzy Bee... look forward to your response
  12. Id like to know more about this venture who should I 'write to' with my details? I dont want to post my details here. Am new to a forum and therefore dont relly know how it all works. Advice on what to do next pleese.
  13. O,M.G, first time ever iv joined a foeum. yep to last replyer to my statement. Its all a bloody con. go on the web n type in 6 things recruitment agencies dont want u to know. the top n bottom of that parchment is that this reporter states he had a mate whose job, n I quote, ...Job it was to spend Thursday afternoons creating fake jobs". just a composit of general skills needed so as they would have instant access to needies when they got a request. I hate to be n this position.#What super nags me is that we are obliged to do this job search I have loads more to say on this subject. What i really need is someone who knows" the system n can say how we can combat this. nx statement when im wide awake will include companiew that have jobs advertised that cannot possibly be legitimatly STILL up for grabs. my thoughts to all job seekers
  14. I have been searching for employment for sometime now. As per my J.S.A agreement I must search online EVERY DAY. Ok so I go online every day and do my searches. I am amazed at how many jobs come up every single time month in, month out. I am convinced that companies are advertising jobs as a way of advertising themselves. I believe this because I come across the same adds all the time. When I have queeried this at the job cente I am met with shrugged shoulders. Does anyone know how to check out if a positon is legitimate/valid/relevant or up-to-date, or not. Does anyone else share my view? regards Diane
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