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EDL Leader Remanded for Using False Passport To Enter The USA

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...Will the USA be demanding his extradition to the US?

Why did he not use his own passport?


So that they could deport him?


Perhaps he was ineligible to enter the US under the Visa Waiver scheme and perhaps his previous history would make it very unlikely that he would get a visa?

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It gets funnier.


From the "British Freedom" website...


We have just heard that Tommy Robinson has been incarcerated in London’s Wandsworth Prison...


Later, same website...


I have just received an urgent telephone call from British Freedom leader Paul Weston who has been arrested outside Wormwood Scrubs Prison.


Speaking from the back of a police van being driven to an unknown destination, Paul hurriedly informed me that he and a friend had travelled to the prison in West London this evening with the aim of visiting Tommy Robinson, or at least assuring themselves of his well-being.


Even funnier is the EDL's recent mass emailing of complaints about their treatment at a London demo. They emailed the London police alright, except it was the one in Ontario, Canada.

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