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Man who sits at arundel gate

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I'm glad that this thread has got people noticing and maybe a few more people will stop and talk to him now, it may make a difference.


Does anyone think that perhaps organising a fund raiser or something else to get a bit of money together to help this man get a roof over his head is a good idea or do you think he would take offence?


For all the people making horrible comments, well you've clearly got nothing better in your life to do so I pity you, its really pathetic.

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You really do come across as a total ****wit at times and this occasion is yet another one.


The guy is called Gary and is quite harmless. Whilst I'm not going to go into details as to why he is on the streets, I understand its a case of family issues and the fact that this country is a joke as to why he is in the situation he is in.


In fact if people actually talk to him you will find that he is afraid to approach people due to the stigma that homeless people have got.


he does not ask for hand outs or beg like most ,(total chaos and craigs),dont be quick to judge he did av a job and family and he doesnt get dole ,and he doesnt drink or drugs

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About ten years ago when I was into photography I went to Castle Market early one sunday morning to take some photograph's around the place... I ended up going up the steps of the bridge which takes you above the Wilkinsons thats over the road there; when I got up there there was about 10 people in sleepingbags sleeping rough.


They were just the regulars waiting for the Cannon to open.

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That is right his name is Gary and he is a really nice guy, A service I worked for did give him support and a bed but the harsh reality is that he was/is unable to manage or implement any of his issues like budgeting and benefits, So its probable that he may not even be on benefits. Shame really as he is a nice guy with a very difficult past but it was very hard to get him to engage in any saupport we offered at that time,

Its actually good that I still see him in his spot because then it puts my mind at rest that he is atleast ok and still surviving, Luckily now in Sheffield for the winter months there will be an outreach team approaching people in this situation and offering them a warm place for the night. A simple hello or acknowledgment would be a nice gesture as he is a quiet man.

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I'm around that area a few times a week, I might stop off and bring him a cup of tea on my travels and maybe a cig if he smokes. Shame to see it really. What these people need is a charity to get them off the streets and offer them a few hours unpaid work in a charity shop for exchange of some kind of housing/roof over there head. If they are free of drugs i think it should happen.


He does smoke. A teenage friend of mine said that she and her mates give him their cigarettes if the bus comes before they finish them.

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I told him today that I would like to give him £100 as he looks like he could use the money. I told him that unfortunately I just had my debit card on me and no cash. He understood the problem and took me to the cash machine in his Jag and all was ok.:)

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I told him today that I would like to give him £100 as he looks like he could use the money. I told him that unfortunately I just had my debit card on me and no cash. He understood the problem and took me to the cash machine in his Jag and all was ok.:)


Well, I got him a cup of tea today and a give him a cig, He couldn't be more pleased. Seemed really thankful.


I might get him one every now and again when i'm in town.


AWOL: your a nasty piece of work.


CompSpud: thats great, hopefully more and more people will talk to him now, its great to see so many nice people.

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