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Tropical fish sellers

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hi all you tropical fish fans i have used several garden centres and aquarium shops, do any of you know a really good shops that sell good quality tropical fish i look after my fish as the instuctions tell me and have read several books on them. but now and again i find one dead soon after another i do have half a dozen that have survived can you help guys help me find a good retailer of fish thanks respects

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hi all you tropical fish fans i have used several garden centres and aquarium shops, do any of you know a really good shops that sell good quality tropical fish i look after my fish as the instuctions tell me and have read several books on them. but now and again i find one dead soon after another i do have half a dozen that have survived can you help guys help me find a good retailer of fish thanks respects


Some tropical fish wont live together, some will. some are aggressive and will bully other fish and the shock can kill them, so you need to be very careful what breeds of fish you keep together .

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I used to follow instructions to the letter, water tests and water changes etc etc, only 'hardy' community fish, all my fish used to die. I got a new tank, loads of fish that aren't meant to live together, overstocked actually, don't clean out very often, well not as often as I should, and have never tested the water, and haven't had a single fish die in 3 years!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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