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Wadsley and Loxley Common

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What on earth are the council going to do that for?More information is needed


Bracken clearance plus getting rid of invasive tree species.


Lowland heath is a nationally scarce habitat that desperately needs protecting. The species it supports and it's levels of biodiversity mean that it is an important area.


There were proposals to put cattle on the site over ten years ago but complaints by dogwalkers and some Wadsley and Loxley Commoners meant it never happened.


Apparently they'd be happy if the common just became bracken and birch rather than heathland, as long as they can let their dogs run about free from fencing.


Cattle were introduced onto Wharncliffe Heath in order to manage the habitat there. I've no idea whether it was successful or not.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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