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Lost iPod/phone in blockbuster crystal peaks 12/8/12

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Hi, I handed an iPod/phone (not sure) at blockbuster, crystal peaks. If its yours or somebody you know go and collect it. Thanks


A good idea would have been to take it to the Apple shop, as I'm sure they could have easily traced the owner.

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A good idea would have been to take it to the Apple shop, as I'm sure they could have easily traced the owner.


Possibly the daftest post I've ever read on here (and that's saying something) :loopy:


1 - The phone was found by the OP at Crystal Peaks and he did the decent thing and handed it in (presumably at the store they found it at)


2 - There isn't an Apple store in Crystal Peaks. It's at Meadowhall - so you expect the OP to take a 2-3 hour round journey, at their own expense, to hand in an iPhone


3 - Most iPhones are sold by carrier retailers, Internet stores, or independent stores. Not Apple stores. So why would an Apple store have any clue who the owner is?


4 - How exactly are the people at the Apple store expected to know who's phone it is? They sell Apple hardware. They don't run the mobile networks, so they have no way to trace the phone to the owner


5 - Even if (by some small chance) the phone was sold to the customer by the Apple store there are no ways of tracing the phone without accessing it first. Most phones are protected by a key combination. They can be set up so that an X amount of incorrect key guesses will wipe all the data off the phone. So there isn't a chance in hell they'd risk doing it. They'd probably tell you to hand it in the at the nearest police station.


6 - Meadowhall is miles away from Crystal Peaks. The person who lost the phone might suddenly have realised their mistake and returned to shop to collect their missing phone. Only to find that some idiot had taken it to a completely different shopping centre 10 miles away from where it was left.


By your logic; I guess if someday I find a Samsung phone in the middle of the street, I should fly to South Korea and hand it in there? :loopy:

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Apple products have a serial number which would link the device to an iTunes account and therefore link it to the owner of the iTunes account.


I was just going to post this.


I don't agree that the OP should've trapsed all the way to Meadowhell to hand the phone in though. What they've done is exactly what I would've done. Hope it finds it's way back to it's rightful owner :)

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