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Your take on racism and language

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To me it works one way and I thinks that's down to the fact the media chooses to ignore it. A non white can say what they want to a white but the opposite way around and it's front line news and arrests.


Nothing like suffering from a persecution complex is there Eric?


I've been verbally abused racially hundreds of times during my lifetime and several times on this forum-not once have I complained about it, nor have I any experience of black people I know complaining about it, just as I haven't any white friends, family or associates who might have been abused by non whites.


To most people being abused verbally might result in an equally/more sensational response but few will complain to the police unless it's associated with a physical assault which obviously ups the ante, whatever colour you are.

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I personally wouldn't be offended if I was called white trash, white mo fo, white whatever. I'm not trash or a mo fo, that would just be some ignorant twits opinion, and I could be a whatever. I am white though, so they got that right. I'd probably feel differently if I lived as a minority white though and I think that's what makes the difference.


..and I think you've hit a nail squarely on the head fff.

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to start I agree on your views on how racism is treated differently, like if a group of white people attack an asian man it's called a racist attack yet if a group of asian men attack a white man it's called a gang attack.
Not if it's aggravated by features which lead police to believe the Asians attacked the white man because of the colour of his skin or his skin colour was a significant feature of the offence.


I know alot of black people, even asian people around Pitsmoor & Sharrow & the hip hop culture/community who throw the ''N'' word around, if a white man said the ''N'' word or p**i all hell would break loose yet if racism is directed at the white man.... nothing.

I'm black. If another black used the "N" word around me, 'all hell would break loose'-just because it's acceptable to some fringes of a community doesn't mean it's acceptable to all of them.

I am not one of those ignorant people who don't like it when foreign people use their own language in public because it is their natural tongue so they are going to speak it weather you like it or not as you we would still speak English to each other if we lived in a foreign country, however I think anyone who doesn't speak English & chooses to live here should make an effort to learn some basic sayings and phrases/questions. I know if I personally went to live in a none English speaking country I would try to learn some of the language. I even greet my Jamaican people with ''wa gwan''.

As far as I recall the native language of Jamaica is English and most Jamaicans I know have full command of it. The people you encounter bandying the "N" word around are probably not Jamaicans, native Jamaicans have more respect for each other. Your associates are more likely born & bred here and influenced by American media and gang culture.
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..and I think you've hit a nail squarely on the head fff.


Hey up BF, racism should not be tolerated which ever way its directed, either verbal or physical. But it cannot not just be one way, if a white person is abused or assaulted then it's also racism, same as if any other creed or colour of person is singled out.


I for one would be offended if called a derogatory name in connection with my skin colour, same as if I called you one. For which I would not, but just trying to make a point, its not always the easiest in a few words.


Its about time we lived together; with a bit more understanding, but I will admit that the media play a big part in over sensationalising the most trivial of matters.:)

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Hey up BF, racism should not be tolerated which ever way its directed, either verbal or physical. But it cannot not just be one way, if a white person is abused or assaulted then it's also racism, same as if any other creed or colour of person is singled out.
I agree, but please bear in mind that not all assaults by whites against non-whites are classified as racially motivated, because quite simply they're not. If I were to abuse you and use racially offensive language in the process of doing so, I'd be charged with an aggravated public order offence-aggravated by the phraseology. The only people who should be exempt from being allowed to complain about verbal abuse are Pigs :hihi:

I for one would be offended if called a derogatory name in connection with my skin colour, same as if I called you one. For which I would not, but just trying to make a point, its not always the easiest in a few words.

I understand what you say, and if I ever witnessed a black verbally abusing you because of your skin colour I'd be the first offering to give evidence against him, just as most black people would :)

Its about time we lived together; with a bit more understanding,


What, even with Wednesdayites?? :(


Hope you're on the mend btw Bpb.



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I agree, but please bear in mind that not all assaults by whites against non-whites are classified as racially motivated, because quite simply they're not. If I were to abuse you and use racially offensive language in the process of doing so, I'd be charged with an aggravated public order offence-aggravated by the phraseology. The only people who should be exempt from being allowed to complain about verbal abuse are Pigs :hihi:

I understand what you say, and if I ever witnessed a black verbally abusing you because of your skin colour I'd be the first offering to give evidence against him, just as most black people would :)



What, even with Wednesdayites?? :(


Hope you're on the mend btw Bpb.




You do speak a lot of common sense young man, & I agree with you all the way, we have to be tolerant with Wednesdayites. They are not the sharpest knives the the box are they lol :)


P.S yes I'm getting there thanks

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You do speak a lot of common sense young man,
Ain't that young blade, but thanks for the compliment!

I agree with you all the way, we have to be tolerant with Wednesdayites.


They are not the sharpest knives the the box are they lol :)

Which is surprising given the fact they come from Sheffield :hihi:

P.S yes I'm getting there thanks



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You do speak a lot of common sense young man, & I agree with you all the way, we have to be tolerant with Wednesdayites. They are not the sharpest knives the the box are they lol :)


P.S yes I'm getting there thanks


Eh i heard that:D

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I would have just smashed her in the mouth. The Police no doubt would then consider chargers, probably just not against the gobby foreign bird that aught not even be here if we had a common sense immigration policy.

I mean, just how does Somalia manage to get so many people here when they are not in the EU or a former British Colony ? How?

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