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Novels set in Sheffield

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I have written my memoir - due to be published this Aug. It is set in the mid 40s to late 60s in Sheffield, where I grew up. If anyone would like to be kept informed about its progress please PM me and/or see the websites below.


I am particularly interested in hearing about people who would be willing to participate in a book blogging tour that I am intending to conduct after the book's launch.


Here is the web site for the book:


http://www.startingtoframe.com/ (blogging strongly encouraged)


And fb: https://www.facebook.com/startingtoframe (feel free to "like," "comment" and "share.")

Edited by soft ayperth
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So on a completely different tack, having looked at your website, I see you've put out a Kindle edition of Spirit of Old Essex by Arthur Morrison, but it doesn't seem to be available on Amazon any more - will it be available again at some point? I've read A Child of the Jago, and Hole in the Wall, and some of the Martin Hewitt stories but not those two books.


Did you think, as I do, that Morrison's stuff lacks empathy with the class he writes about, and is thus patronising?

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Did you think, as I do, that Morrison's stuff lacks empathy with the class he writes about, and is thus patronising?


It's about 20 or 30 years since I read them and I don't remember thinking that at the time, but I was a lot younger then so I might not even have considered the point.

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Ah yes. " In that pleasant district of merry England, which is watered by the river Don, there extended in ancient times a large forest, covering the greater part of the beautiful hills and valleys which lie between Sheffield and the pleasant town of Doncaster."

The opening words of Ivanhoe. Wonder what Walter would make of it today?!

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