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Getting a property from Guinness Northern counties Housing association

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hi im at the top of the northern counties housing list and have been waiting ages for a offer! i was just wondering if they call the council to check i have got priority before they offer me somewhere, i have sent them a photo copy of my priority letter though and they told me they wouldnt need anymore information. I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this

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Northern counties will shortly become guiness trust,thier re structuring the business,shedding lots of housing staff,so you may have to be patient during the restructure which im told is happening right now.

Thier systems far better than sheffield homes who let the majority to priority,at least waiting time does seem to count with northern counties

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Northern counties will shortly become guiness trust,thier re structuring the business,shedding lots of housing staff,so you may have to be patient during the restructure which im told is happening right now.

Thier systems far better than sheffield homes who let the majority to priority,at least waiting time does seem to count with northern counties


Northern Counties (Guiness) are an RSL and dont have to follow the same housing policy as Sheffield Homes (who are an almo)


You will also find that with Northern Counties you will get:


1) Higher rents

2) Less secure tenancys

3) Slower repair times


So it balances up slightly.

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Government have set guidlines to bring council rents inline with Housing associations,and future council tenants will only be offered 5 year lets.

Repair times with CRL ,The company guiness use for repairs,are currently 11 days for non urgent,and within 24 hours for urgent,not sure how that compares to Kier.

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Hello just wondering if anybody could help,

i have been at the top of the guiness northern counties list for months now! and have been going into the office all the time asking if they had any notices handing in as i was promised when one came up i would get a offer...

went in on friday and was told no one had handed any notices in, been in today and was told there was a 2 bed flat inthe area i wanted but it had been offered to 3 other people of the economic list. with all my points and my priority i would of thought i would have been offered it first! the lady on the desk told me that if she wasnt off work that day she would have done it differently! and if these 3 ppl dont accept it then they will offer it to me which is very unlikely! i have called the customer services tonight and they are calling me back tomorrow. does anyone have any advice? im really mad now because i think i should of had the 1st offer.. also the people on the desk must of been lying to me all this time as im sure they dont get a notice then start dishing the views out on the same day

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Have you checked their allocations policy? 20% of all lets go to people in the 'Economic Stream', so perhaps it was time for a property of that type, in that area, to go to someone in that category. Even though you may have maximum points in another category, they may only count when a property is designated as a general let. Even council housing doesn't all go to people with prioirity status.


Its all in here:



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