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Cat got baby birds! Help!!

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Not sure if there is anything I can do but my car has brought home a newly hatched birds. They are just alive, is there anyone I can ring? I feel terrible and don't know where to start?


The sad reality in this case is that they have very little chance of survival.

You can phone the agencies/shelters as it may help put your mind at rest.


You can try keeping them safe, warm and fed and hope for the best.



Meanwhile, consider buying a new car.

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Lol, in my haste to type I put car instead of cat!! What a numpty! I have called the RSPCA and they have said to put them in a box as near to us5LtzGJwhere I think the nest is as possible and wait for an hour. If the parent doesn't come back to call them back. I honestly think they won't last that long. Im gutted!!

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It is an inevitability, but that won't make you feel any better when you have to deal with it.


We get about twelve dead chicks over the course of the average summer, usually decapitated, sometimes more than half-eaten.


Most wild birds have the breeding strategy of producing about sixteen offspring during their lives, on the assumption that fourteen of them will get eaten by cats, drowned, starve to death, be caught by an eagle, and so on... the only survival strategy that works is for each two adults to be replaced by exactly two children. On the macroscopic scale, your cat is doing the species a favour by removing some of the less fit individuals.


Because we humans have the strategy of producing very few children and investing enormous effort into making sure they all survive, we don't view the death of an occasional sparrow in the same cold-hearted manner that nature does. My wife bawls her eyes out every time one turns up on the doorstep.

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I'm sorry to report that the birds have died I'm totally gutted and so mad with the cat!! I have locked her in and won't let her out till its dark but I'm hoping there are no more in the nest or she will go and get more!!


Heading north, I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets upset by this my husband thinks I'm silly getting so upset, to me it's all life how ever small and hate to see anything suffering.


Thanks for all your replys x

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Heading north, I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets upset by this my husband thinks I'm silly getting so upset, to me it's all life how ever small and hate to see anything suffering.


Objectively, it's pointless getting upset, since as I say the whole survival tactic for bird species is to churn out lots of babies and have most of them get killed off.


Subjectively, it only proves that you are a caring human being. It's not silly at all. :)

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I have a cat that done exactly the same thing last year, the last straw was when she brought in a baby woodpecker I was so upset to see such a beauiful little bird killed, in the end I got her a coller with a bell attached and added another 2 bells and touch wood it seems to be working doesnt stop her bringing in worms and frogs but at least the little birds are safe.:hihi:

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