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Why dont rich people go on The Jeremy Kyle show?


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I believe that rich people watch Jeremy Kyle but never go on it.


And the basis for this assertion is....?


These rich people you speak of are probably too busy working when freak wrangler Kyle is on.


Only those unemployable dregs permanently on benefits, flat on on their backs, eating last night's left over pizza and scratching their behinds have the necessary amount of spare time to watch this modern day example of panem et circenses.

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And the basis for this assertion is....?


These rich people you speak of are probably too busy working when freak wrangler Kyle is on.


Only those unemployable dregs permanently on benefits, flat on on their backs, eating last night's left over pizza and scratching their behinds have the necessary amount of spare time to watch this modern day example of panem et circenses.


There are DVD recorders!

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