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New Dog Cross Breeds ( funny )


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I'm going to ask. If Dingo's aren't dogs what are they?

They are actually classified Canis lupus dingo, which separate them from dogs classified as Canis lupus familiaris.

But yes, they can be interbred with modern dogs and have done so all across Australia. This is why Aussies get angry when silly English tourists go off wondering by themselves on Fraser Island (where ther is the only known popularion of pure dingos) and get themselves eaten, causing the English to call for a cull on the poor wild animals.

An English chick was 'attacked' when I was on FI, but that was because she decided to sleep OUTside the tent.....in the dark. On her own. Even After sitting through a safety video and told not to go anywhere on the island by herself. Needless to say, no-one had any sympathy for her or her nibbled feet or shredded sleeping bag, but hey ho- that's a bit off topic.

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They are actually classified Canis lupus dingo, which separate them from dogs classified as Canis lupus familiaris.

But yes, they can be interbred with modern dogs and have done so all across Australia. This is why Aussies get angry when silly English tourists go off wondering by themselves on Fraser Island (where ther is the only known popularion of pure dingos) and get themselves eaten, causing the English to call for a cull on the poor wild animals.

An English chick was 'attacked' when I was on FI, but that was because she decided to sleep OUTside the tent.....in the dark. On her own. Even After sitting through a safety video and told not to go anywhere on the island by herself. Needless to say, no-one had any sympathy for her or her nibbled feet or shredded sleeping bag, but hey ho- that's a bit off topic.


The Wild Dog description is a bit confusing then!


Bloody English eh! They do the same thing here when a Staffy has a bite of someone, they all have to pay for the misdemeanour of one :)

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The Wild Dog description is a bit confusing then!


Bloody English eh! They do the same thing here when a Staffy has a bite of someone, they all have to pay for the misdemeanour of one :)




yes us Brits need our heads looking at sometimes don't we :)

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