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Wisewoods new totem pole

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RazorSharp, if you really want to know who the artist is, I can find out for you as I work for Bramall Constructions and we are the ones working in the area. Its nice to see the improvement in the area and it would be so glad to get feed back from the community members of Wisewood

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These sculptures are fantastic and are being made from the trees that were cut down on the estate last year.


The people doing these are http://www.fourthwallcreations.com they have plans for various signs, notice boards and seating in the Wisewood and Loxley area.


Try this link


Edited by Skippy06
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Thanks skippy, I'll post a picture of the sculpture tomorrow so everyone can appreciate it. It's had a Lot of people taking time to stop and look at it all day. There must be over 50 animals carved into it. Just hope that that the small minority of idiots in the area appreciate it too, if you get my drift?

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The 'Wisewood' signs look a bit like giant versions of those wooden plaques people buy on holiday in Magaluf but the totem is fantastic, it really adds something to the area.


It started to look a bit barren and forbidding when the trees were cut down and I worried they weren't going to be replaced. It's starting to look much better now though with the planting of new trees and shrubs. I love the silver birches at the top of Hallowmoor.


It'll take a lot more work before I can forgive the removal of privet hedges though. It'd be great if they were replaced with native hedgerows but those ugly new wall/fences, as well as looking terrible, deprive birds of a nesting and feeding habitat and bring the area down somewhat. It flies in the face of the 'Town-Country' principle the estate was founded on. I'd like to hear there's some sort of measures in place to counteract that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

nice to see some real art by a real artist the planting on the main roads is going to look really good in the coming years and if they can keep the cars off the grass verges the side roads will also look like they did in years past when people cared about the estate as for the new garden walls nothing to stop people planting new privets behind them

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