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Gaming on laptops: high risk of heat failure


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I recently bought a MSI gaming laptop on E bay, with a gt520 discrete card, i have only used it for about a week and now the card has failed, it was getting incredibly hot when playing Brothers in Arms :Hells Highway, but there was no warning, no graphic anomalies, no burning smell, just switched it on next day and the intel card (dual graphics) came on but no Nvidia card.


I shopuld have read more on the web about heat issues with gaming machines, they are legion, I knew nothing about L/T's i am a PC gamer, , unless you have some sort of cooling fan underneath the L/T, etc, then imo, you run the risk of this happening, is gaming on a L/T high risk.?


Nothing I can do either, fitting a new card seems impossible, so do I now have a good(i5, etc) but limited and bulky L/T?

Edited by gamezone07
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I'm guessing you used it on a cushion, or on your knee, or something soft (like a bed for example)


Laptops like this get rigorous testing before going out, and if they are used properly (on a flat surface, where there is air flow under the laptop/around the vents) then you can have them for years without a problem..


It could also be that it was faulty when it was sold, with it being from ebay...


It could also be a software issue, as switching between gfx cards is software controlled, - try resetting it back to factory defaults, and see what happens..

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'I'm guessing you used it on a cushion, or on your knee, or something soft (like a bed for example)


Laptops like this get rigorous testing before going out, and if they are used properly (on a flat surface, where there is air flow under the laptop/around the vents) then you can have them for years without a problem..'




Ouch, you got me there, thing is I am having back problems, So I bought it so I could play games on the bed, etc, I did use a magazine under it but of course you go a bit sleepy and the magazine comes off. It is/was a great machine and I don't think it was dodgy, though it has a german keyboard!


I will try to reset it, I wonder if i have any other options, repair, etc..

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The thing is while using riva tuner, the card didn't seem to go more than 60 max, yet the side where the exhaust is was incredibly hot and the fan was blowing a gale, something strange here, imo,



the bios in the machine seems very basic...

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There are ways to hold a laptop which doesn't impede on the fans and heat vents, but it is really dependent on you knowing where the fans and vents are, keeping them free and also vacuuming them out to make sure that there's nothing clogging them up. I use a laptop on my lap full time and although I'm not doing anything as intensive as gaming, there are still things which run which can cause the computer to run really hot and those things are an awful lot worse if the way it should be cooling itself down are prevented from working.


If you're going to use the computer on a bed or similar then you really need a lap tray with a fan in it to keep the underside of the computer cool. You can use the same lap tray if you're in a recliner or on the sofa to maintain a good cool temperature. I don't use a tray with mine, but then I'm practised in leaving the vents clear and I have Speedfan running in the background to prompt me to keep an eye on the temperature.


Good luck on getting your machine up and running :)

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Like he said ^^^^^


If you block the vents of run the risk of frying it. I recently bought a Dell XPS15 and running Need for Speed on that in HD it generates massive amounts of heat. If it was on the carpet or a bed I would give it about 3 minutes before it died!


Always use it on a solid surface, or be fully aware of where the vents are in relation to your legs if you want it on your lap. Never use it on a bed, it sinks into the mattress and starts to cook. Get a plastic tray from Wilko for about 3quid!


I have used these people on a few occasions when I could not do anything myself.



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Right, i think there may have been something wrong with the Nvidia card, I have just (briefly) replicated the gaming conditions when I was using the Nvidia card but now using the built in Intel card, Hells Heroes plays, though not as good graphics, but there is no excessive heat coming from the exhaust, hot yes, but not like the former card,


core temp, shows 64 with the I5 processor


even when I checked the earlier useage with gpu z, etc the Nvidia was running at 64, this is not that hot, I feel a bit vindicated, but nowt I can do, no warranty, eevn though its not yet a year old.


Neek, will contact them, any other suggestions..

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If it's not a year old then why no warranty? Look here,




From the info on the base you can check the manufacture date / warranty



Example 1. 865PE NEO2-PLS 0402XXXXXX.

(865PE NEO2-PLS refer to product name,0402 represents manufacture year as 2004, subsequent 2 digits represent manufacture month as February)


Example2. 42SXXXXXX

(42 represents its manufacture date as February'2004 by MSI)


Beyond that, the place in Donny will fix it.

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