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Should Smoking Be Banned?

Should Smoking Be Banned Period  

96 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Smoking Be Banned Period

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes, But Only In Public Spaces
    • Yes, But Only in Places Serving Food
    • No, Smoking should be made cheaper, it's unfair that we're taxed so much
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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently employers can now discriminate against smokers




The woman was interviewed on radio this morning and said she had told her employer that she was prepared not to smoke during the day but this offer was turned down.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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I think it ought to be banned in ALL public places,the health risks to non smokers are simply too great.

But hey everyone knows the goverment wont do that,they are in the pocket of the tobacco barons.

Its all to do with money plain and simple.

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Originally posted by royjames

I think it ought to be banned in ALL public places,the health risks to non smokers are simply too great.

But hey everyone knows the goverment wont do that,they are in the pocket of the tobacco barons.

Its all to do with money plain and simple.


yep, have to agree with you on this one.

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Well as I understand it they would be out of pocket by about 7.5 Billion..... I don't fancy the tax increase to cover that one.


Look this is simple isn't it.


Unless you are an eco-warrior you can't really complain about people smoking can you.

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me and bladesgirl both smoke, we get our fags abroad, LEGALLY, we dont buy them off some guy in a pub for £3.50 a packet, we went away in sept, and brought enough duty free to last us till feb till we go to Amsterdam for a few days, then bring enough back to last us till September '06.

The government charges us far too much tax on cigs as it is, if cigs were banned/outlawed, how much would they loose on tax, and where they try and make up the shortfall?

At the moment, Im smoking 20 fags which cost me 1.5 euro, which is about a pound, compared to £4.00 odd in the UK, so i would guess about £2-80 is tax.

I smoke, I wanna smoke, I choose to do it, it affects my health, big deal, surely thats my perrogative to do with MY LIFE AS I CHOOSE, and I dont inflict it on others, unless Im in a pub, then I only try to sit closer to other smokers,and I pay my taxes on this,that and t'other, so please stop digging at us smokers, banning cigs WILL never happen.:rant:

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If you're going to have smoking and drinking you might aswell have the illegal drugs- legal .. imagine the tax the government could put on them - woooo!

If not - Smoking and drinking should be banned. It should'nt be contradictory. It always amuses me on things like Face party : I like to get drunk: I HATE drugs.

Its like whatttt?

After all smoking does wayyy more damage than the illegal drugs.

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Smokers pay far more in tax's than it takes to look after them when there lungs turn black and they die.


I'm not sure we could afford to ban smoking as the tax revenue smoking generates probably pays for a lot of the luxuries us non smokers are used to.


we should probably be thanking the smokers for putting so much more into our society.




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