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Feeding Pillows


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we got one of those back support pillows from dunelms it was only 6.00 and helped when we fed our boys and its come in handy to prop them up too on settee. there alot cheaper than paying 20.00 + which we did when we had our first son.

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I didn't use a pillow. Sometimes I was more comfortable with a cushion propping my elbow up but I would have found a pillow a cumbersome extra to trail around with me, which removed some of the freedom to 'up and go' that breastfeeding gave.


There are lots of positions you can try and a good midwife or breastfeeding support group can show you so you can get into the position you most like.

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I used a widgey cushion with both of my children and I wouldn't have been without it. I think it was £20 but it was invaluable to me. I could feed hands free when necessary as my ds or dd would be rested on the cushion. I used to put a cushion under the side that they were feeding at to prop it up a bit. They are quite big but fine to have at home and I took it to other people's houses etc. The only time I didn't use it is if I was out and about.

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I found I suffered terrible back and shoulder ache in the early days with my first. Bad posture by me but it became much better when I bought a bf'ing cushion from mothecare. Worth every penny at the time to relieve my aches although I never needed it with my second (guess I'd mastered the technique) so I sold it on eBay.

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The long pregnancy pillows are the best I think. When your preggers, they're great to rest your leg on when you have to lay on your side and you've got something to snuggle up to.


When breastfeeding, they can bend into any shape you need - special breastfeeding pillows don't always give you the flexibility you need if your baby has an awkward feeding angle like mine did!


Get a big pillow as flexible and as long as possible and wrap it around you - great for snuggling your baby and falling to sleep!

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