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Public sector strike, student fees protests and Occupy Sheffield.


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I sympathise with the public sector but I also think that all these cuts happened in the private sector three years ago. Everyone's feeling the pinch, not just the public sector. The difference is that the private sector doesnt tend to strike cuz it gets them nowhere (apart from that one step closer to redundancy).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote this article in response to some glaring misconceptions about the Occupy Movement. If you have doubts, as I did too, then it's worth a read...




In a nutshell, yes the Occupy protest has had an impact both on a local and global level. Occupy wouldn't have been nominated by Channel 4 News as one of the most influential people of 2011 if it had not!

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  • 4 months later...
its a pity this country is getting shafted left right and centre but people who voted tory/libdems think its ok :loopy:this country needs to pull together like the french do when they revolt against the gov :hihi:


How's that 19th century class war going? Still losing? I'm not surprised.

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I sympathise with the public sector but I also think that all these cuts happened in the private sector three years ago. Everyone's feeling the pinch, not just the public sector. The difference is that the private sector doesnt tend to strike cuz it gets them nowhere (apart from that one step closer to redundancy).



If the public sector workers were on such a terrible deal and the private sector is doing so much better the public sector workers would be deserting in droves. They aren't. They are staying put and just moaning about it. The bottom line is that they are getting a good deal, the government know it, the unions know it, the public knows it and the staff know it. The unions want to use the issue to wage their usual futile and self defeating class war but in the end they will settle because they have nowhere else to go.

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If the public sector workers were on such a terrible deal and the private sector is doing so much better the public sector workers would be deserting in droves. They aren't. They are staying put and just moaning about it. The bottom line is that they are getting a good deal, the government know it, the unions know it, the public knows it and the staff know it. The unions want to use the issue to wage their usual futile and self defeating class war but in the end they will settle because they have nowhere else to go.


What PSWs lose on wages they gain on pensions, or rather did. That is changing.

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If the public sector workers were on such a terrible deal and the private sector is doing so much better the public sector workers would be deserting in droves. They aren't. They are staying put and just moaning about it. The bottom line is that they are getting a good deal, the government know it, the unions know it, the public knows it and the staff know it. The unions want to use the issue to wage their usual futile and self defeating class war but in the end they will settle because they have nowhere else to go.


what utter bull

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If the public sector workers were on such a terrible deal and the private sector is doing so much better the public sector workers would be deserting in droves. They aren't. They are staying put and just moaning about it. The bottom line is that they are getting a good deal, the government know it, the unions know it, the public knows it and the staff know it. The unions want to use the issue to wage their usual futile and self defeating class war but in the end they will settle because they have nowhere else to go.


Yep - because all those jobs that Dave promised would be created in the private sector to allow for "deserting in droves" are there in the 1000s aren't they?


Just because people are staying put (ie staying in a job) does not correlate to getting a good deal. It means the alternative is signing on.

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Junedee - it shocks me how many people would rather throw stones as the world crumbles around them, than do some pro-active towards making it a better place.


The Occupy movement is in no way a failure. Here are my thoughts on what the Occupiers have achieved... http://jonmaiden.wordpress.com/2012/02/13/what-has-the-occupy-movement-achieved/

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I don't think the strike action of public sector workers has any effect. The unions seem to encourage having sufficient staff available for work so as not to cause too much inconvenience. Hence Cameron referring to past action as a "damp squid"

Surely strike action is supposed to cause disruption to get the point across?

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