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Atos Health interviews for the benefit changes


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Has anyone had interviews for benefit changes by these people recent ...I have had 3 appointments now and they have cancelled them with 2 days notice each time...getting a little fed up as it not only causes me distress but messess up the plans of others who need to take me ....what annoys me is that if I changed the appointments as many times as that they would think I don`t want to go and stop my money... when I phoned them this laast time they said that all the appointments were booked up for the day that mine was suppose to be when asked what happened to mine for the 3rd time they just said they did`nt know ...sorry to gripe but they mess with peoples lives:(

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  • 8 months later...

A friend of ours was at ATOS this sunday, the only person who seemed at all human was the receptionist.

The Health Care Officials just seemed to rush through the whole process as if a conveyor belt system is in operation.

What they put in their report can determine your benefit or none as the case may be.


Talking to a lady there, she said if you are declined benefits and are eligible to receive them, then appeal straight away and hound them with all your evidence.

Then someone will listen...

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  • 1 month later...
A friend of ours was at ATOS this sunday, the only person who seemed at all human was the receptionist.

The Health Care Officials just seemed to rush through the whole process as if a conveyor belt system is in operation.

What they put in their report can determine your benefit or none as the case may be.


Talking to a lady there, she said if you are declined benefits and are eligible to receive them, then appeal straight away and hound them with all your evidence.

Then someone will listen...


If you know someone who has been turned down for esa and they feel that they are entitled to it and dissagree with the atos medical result, get your appeal in streight away with a covering letter telling them that you are going to consult your local mp as you feel that the decision is unfair and just a way of cutting down the numbers of people claiming esa. I had a medical last december and was awarded zero points by the nurse that examined me. Bearing in mind that I can only walk a few yards before I am in extreme pain due to a spinal injury that has been operated on 4 times and I cannot stand or sit in one place for any length of time. I recently had a telephone conversation by one of the ESA adjudicators and was awarded 15 points and told that they could not believe the results from atos. I was told by ESA to telephone atos on 08453720090 and lodge a formal complaint against their decision. I am now due a substantial amount of money from esa as I should have been on the highest rate of esa for the last year and I have only been paid the base rate. Do not roll over and accept the decisions from Atos as they are not worth the paper they are written on. Get the appeal in and get all the evidence that you can from doctors, consultants, physio etc etc and send copies of any letters in with your appeal. Atos are a money making company and are paid £2000 for every person that they take off esa..


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  • 7 months later...

just watching the parliament channel and there are some mps from libdem and conservatives actyally saying atos are not capable of the job and that any medical assesment should be done by your own gp wno knows what your disability is and if you are capable of work

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Some insider knowledge about the assessments, the DWP have contracted both atos and capita for the new assessments but apparently if someone appeals the decision they'll be asked to go to another assessment straight away. Not sure when this is coming into force though but it means appealing will be significantly more difficult if two supposed independent assessments come out with same results...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have been "failed" twice by atos within the last 4 years, took my appeals to tribunal and got the decision overturned within 10 minutes of giving my evidence. All I can advice is that if you do get "failed" appeal straight away and get help from your local Citizens Advice Bureau. I had some great support with both my appeals.

In my experience Atos are just box ticking and not actually listening to your answers.

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Atos are the enemy of the disabled, simple as.

But in reallity what people are getting worked up about isn't that bad.

1. Atos interview you...

2. You are either found fit/unfit for work.

3. If found unfit for work, you appeal, keep on the benefit minus £28 a week.

4. Wait ages for a tribunal, and as a rule common sense prevails, and people are reinstated on their original benefits. You get all your money back. Its stressful, and probably makes people more ill in the long run.

5. I just want people to realise it may not be as bad as people make out, myself included. Its the process which takes the p/ss

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