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Anti-social behaviour in Sheffield getting worse

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I agree completely and utterly with your post, but regarding the age thing in the workplace, where I work, one or two of the supervisors are actually quite young, one is, I think 24 or 25, now dont get me wrong, she's good at her job, but something doesn't feel right about a young lass supervising people almost twice her age, experienced people that were made redundant in their previous jobs.


Whats wrong is that people aged under 25 are not eligible for tax credits.


They may be more able and better qualified than the older staff, yet they could be earning less than them.


Age shouldn't matter, ability should.

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ferral kids_ breed ferral kids_ breed ferral kids,who know they can live of the state

because the past goverment has let them.It now requires a strong goverment to tell them they can **** off and find a job as they will no-longer be able to sponge of hard working taxpayers .I think that about sums it up.


I agree with you. Its the benefit system that is all wrong, people will get made redundant will apply for benefits to help them, while they get another job but the goverment give them that much they why should i bother going back to work.

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The collapse in public order and morals, and the loss of the sense of personal responsibility, found in most English cities today are a direct result of a justice system that does not punish or deter, a welfare system that discourages many people from working, and an open door immigration policy, which has led to the dilution and destruction of traditional communities and the overburdening of housing resources and public services. Mostly this has happened during the last fifteen years. If you vote Labour, which allowed and indeed needed this to happen to build up a client voter base, you are simply getting what you wanted.

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I'm going to be a little controversial but I'm throwing it out anyway - our socialist benefit system allows the constant reproduction of the sorts of people who cause these anti-social problems and runs against natural selection.


In a world without such a such a generous benefits system and lax justice system, those who didn't work, who lacked even the most basic of intelligence and social skills required to live in a working society would not physically be able to support themselves and any offspring. If pushed towards crime against the society they live in they would be punished with incarceration where they could not produce off-spring They would simply die out and their weak genes would not live on.


In a system such as ours those who do not work and do not function properly in a working society are paid for by those who do. They tend to reproduce more than the other half of the society simply because they do not have other time-consuming and thought-consuming activities such as work and concerns of how they will provide for themselves and their existing families. So, in direct opposition to natural selection, the weaker genes in the pool are encouraged to reproduce by the actions of the stronger genes who conversely reproduce at a lesser rate.


However, the ability to perform altruistic actions such as social benefit is what makes us human and I wouldn't like to live in a society without it

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Live is beautifull,with or without estates. The sun shines the flowers are everywhere.


Only misserable idiots grind their teeth and find something to moan about. These idiots are more stupid than what they talk about.

Just the fact that you think you know it all and cant even live a happy live yourself.


Treat people with more love and respect, they will treat you likewise


People here talk about others like dirt and gangsters, they will be that if you want them to be, its your fault not theirs. You asked for it without knowing it!

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Live is beautifull,with or without estates. The sun shines the flowers are everywhere.


Only misserable idiots grind their teeth and find something to moan about. These idiots are more stupid than what they talk about.

Just the fact that you think you know it all and cant even live a happy live yourself.


Treat people with more love and respect, they will treat you likewise


People here talk about others like dirt and gangsters, they will be that if you want them to be, its your fault not theirs. You asked for it without knowing it!


Couldn't agree more on many levels...but people only see what they want to see, reading here sometimes could make a person terrified of ever being down on their luck and needing help, so scary that some of the people on here may be the ones standing in judgment when it comes to that time.

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There are, of course, many sides to the debate, but it is a debate and it is becoming more involved. Let’s not side-track the issue too much however, and my apologies if I have done so in one comment I made. The debate is about anti-social behaviour in Sheffield getting worse and how we go about resolving the problem.

Edited by mistyblue
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Live is beautifull,with or without estates. The sun shines the flowers are everywhere.


Only misserable idiots grind their teeth and find something to moan about. These idiots are more stupid than what they talk about.

Just the fact that you think you know it all and cant even live a happy live yourself.


Treat people with more love and respect, they will treat you likewise


People here talk about others like dirt and gangsters, they will be that if you want them to be, its your fault not theirs. You asked for it without knowing it!


It's a beautiful sentiment. Can I borrow your rose tinted glasses?


Life is not half as bad as some people make it seem on these forums but your point of view seems at the other end of the ridiculousness spectrum.


I'm sure next time you get your car broken in to by some known-to-the-police scrote with 25 previous convictions for theft you will agree that it was your fault, not theirs. After all, everyone in the world is so innocent and beautiful and if we just treat them with love and kindness there will be no crime, no wars, no bad people.

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Couldn't agree more on many levels...but people only see what they want to see, reading here sometimes could make a person terrified of ever being down on their luck and needing help, so scary that some of the people on here may be the ones standing in judgment when it comes to that time.


I don't think anyone is judging people for being down-on-their-luck or underprivelaged. There's a big difference between desperately wanting to work and just not being able to find a job, and abiding by the laws of a working society in every way, and just choosing not to work because you know the guy next door will work and pay for you.

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I'm going to be a little controversial but I'm throwing it out anyway - our socialist benefit system allows the constant reproduction of the sorts of people who cause these anti-social problems and runs against natural selection.


In a world without such a such a generous benefits system and lax justice system, those who didn't work, who lacked even the most basic of intelligence and social skills required to live in a working society would not physically be able to support themselves and any offspring. If pushed towards crime against the society they live in they would be punished with incarceration where they could not produce off-spring They would simply die out and their weak genes would not live on.


In a system such as ours those who do not work and do not function properly in a working society are paid for by those who do. They tend to reproduce more than the other half of the society simply because they do not have other time-consuming and thought-consuming activities such as work and concerns of how they will provide for themselves and their existing families. So, in direct opposition to natural selection, the weaker genes in the pool are encouraged to reproduce by the actions of the stronger genes who conversely reproduce at a lesser rate.


However, the ability to perform altruistic actions such as social benefit is what makes us human and I wouldn't like to live in a society without it




That is actually a very good point.


Take the animal kingdom, and take any animal - for example a lion (or any animal).


HOw would that society function if in a pride there were 12 adult lions, 6 of which went out to hunt, chased down the prey and killed the prey.


What would then happen if the lions that did not hunt (ie, the ones sat back at the den) then came over and ate the zebra, while the ones who actually killed the prey had to sit back and only get the scraps that the lazy lions left behind.


The hardworking lions would then have to hunt more and more simply to get a basic meal, because the non hunting lions would get the food.


The non hunting lions could then spend time having sex and reproducing (reproducing more lazy lions), while the hunting lions would simply be hunting their backsides off simply to get by and thus not have the time to have sex and reproduce because they would be struggling to make ends meet.


Does this sound familiar to human society?

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