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Violent riots and looting in UK (part 2)

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Children and young people whose parents struggle to provide sufficient emotional support, or who are neglected or abused by their parents or carers, very often begin to exhibit a significant lack of impulse control. When such young people encounter stress or provocation, this factor very often becomes manifest in uninhibited self destructive behaviour and results in damage to their own belongings, to their mobile phone or their laptop, their computer games console, their bedroom, or the fixtures and fittings in their own home.


This phenomenon may be expanded to explain why the current riot and looting is focused in the poorest of our communities. Economic marginalisation and political neglect is leaving our most disregarded localities vulnerable to explosive and devastating social pressures.


Formal groups such as UKuncut and Save Our Services now regularly demonstrate their disatisfaction with cynical government policy and corporate arrogance in a measured, responsible and restrained manner as they take to the streets to raise public awareness of the corrosion of our social institutions and the concerted attacks on our personal wellbeing. However, many of those in poorer communities - the ones who suffer most the scathing consequences of political retreat and economic exploitation, so often lack effective thinking and reflective skills and cannot articulate their distress. And since they have no legitimate outlet for their frustration, we should expect just such scenes as we are witnessing in Tottenham, Brixton, Stokes Croft, Salford and Toxteth.

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...If you're from a poor background in London life is tough it might not be tough cpmpared to the third world but it's tough compared to the rich living down the road.


I wonder how many of the robbers arsonists and rioters are poor people living in London?


Hopefully - if convicted - they will find that being a poor (but free) person living in London is better than serving a long sentence in prison.

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The divide between rich and poor is alot greater in London than in South Yorkshire.


South Yorskhire is geopgraphicaly different most people are working class with the exception of a few areas and even in those areas the wealth is nothing on the scale of London.


In London there is alot of extremely wealthy people living a stones throw from areas with some of the highest poverty rates in the country. If you're from a poor background in London life is tough it might not be tough cpmpared to the third world but it's tough compared to the rich living down the road.


Its always been like that in London Bounce throughout the centuries.


I just can't see the bankers bonuses and the scandals from the Credit crunch, etc setting these riots off.


The excuse is they're angry. The problem is they're always angry. How much money in benefits and schemes has been sprayed at these areas in the last 15 years at least. Despite what some say, the police attitude has changed a hell of alot in London. All the diversity training, etc.


But the anger and victim culture continues. Well alot of people are angry. Angry at being ripped off, angry at losing their jobs (often more than once!) angry at not having enough cash to put money on the table.


BUT - they don't go attacking other people/buildings. Plus they seem to not really be angry in these pictures - they're loving it - they feel like the masters of the world at the moment, getting one over the police and getting high quality free goods (TVs).


FGS they even looting Poundland. POUNDLAND! :huh:


If it wasn't so annoying you could laugh...

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Wouldn't it be better to inspire people to better themselves instead of giving them an excuse for failure.


yes I totally agree with you but the current government seems to be launching a savage attack on the poor, students anyone but the elite who are to blame for the financial mess that the country is in.

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No matter what apologists say, England is a good place that is full of opportunity and support. If anything it is too supportive. If a thief or murderer turns around and says "oh I had a bad childhood" then they'll virtually get off and have money and support thrown at them, at the same time they'll be stealing this social workers phone from her handbag.


With control and teaching like this, no wonder it's got to this point where they "are actually" getting away with mass looting! Even now, the forth day and what are the Police doing, oh arresting a few of them the next day, after the damage is done, the majority feeling empowered because they've got away scot free.



Things need to change in this country, we need to get tougher with criminals!

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Life is tough for everyone compared to the millionaires in London, but not everyone is rioting. I doubt many of the rioters are the really low paid people in London, like restaurant/hotel/bar workers, they will be too busy working to go rioting.


its mainly the youth from council estates and poor backgrounds who see no future for themselves resent the elite and the police.

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its mainly the youth from council estates and poor backgrounds who see no future for themselves resent the elite and the police.


People travel the hard way from all over the world to get here because there is so much opportunity if you work hard enough! The ones your referring to are obviously too thick and lazy to see the wood for the trees...

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