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Sheffield fish shop - white spot infected fish.

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But tbh if you're interested in fish you tend to know the fish shops. And there is only one in hillsborough with a really bad reputation...


Has it really got a bad reputation, loads seem to use it.

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It's really well known so alot of people use it in the same way that people use pets at home.


But people on fish forums and who take more of an interest than 'just a tank', quickly realise just how poor the service and quality is there.


Just one example is when I was after a bolivian ram. I phone them up (having been in the day before and seen a full tank of them, but just thought I'd check)


'Do you have any bolivian rams in'

'No we don't sorry, but they're on order, they've been on order for weeks' (I'm like ??? doubt they've sold 12 in 1 day)

'Oh ok...ermm...I saw a whole tank of them yesterday'

'Where abouts?'

I then described where they were

'Oh no they're not bolivian rams they're butterfly rams'

Butterfly rams is the less common, less 'correct' name for bolivian rams but they ARE the same thing. So basically they lied on the phone about having bolivians on order and then don't have enough knowledge to even know alternative common names.


I went down and spoke to the guy I spoke to on the phone, afterall I did want to buy one cause they were in quite good condition. This was prior to me having a driving license and prior to fish inc opening. In passing I mentioned that butterfly and bolivian rams were the same thing. He laughed in my face and then continued to speak over my head to my boyfriend whenever I asked a question.


And this wasn't a weekend sales boy... this was the owner. Often they have poor stock, disease, un acceptable levels of dead fish left in tanks and I've only ever had poor customer service if it has been anything more than literally going in and buying something. Questions are met with condecending answers(from the men, the lady who worked there was nice though...she at least admitted she didn't know about fish). I'm perfectly happy to be served by people who don't know about fish so long as they're honest and don't try lying. It doesn't matter what they say to me, but I just think about all the people new to fish that are getting poor/incorrect advice. You expect the owner to know what he's selling back to front though.


I've got to admit I've not been for a couple of years now, but I've spoken to people who've been in recently and they say that nothing has changed.

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It's really well known so alot of people use it in the same way that people use pets at home.


But people on fish forums and who take more of an interest than 'just a tank', quickly realise just how poor the service and quality is there.


Just one example is when I was after a bolivian ram. I phone them up (having been in the day before and seen a full tank of them, but just thought I'd check)


'Do you have any bolivian rams in'

'No we don't sorry, but they're on order, they've been on order for weeks' (I'm like ??? doubt they've sold 12 in 1 day)

'Oh ok...ermm...I saw a whole tank of them yesterday'

'Where abouts?'

I then described where they were

'Oh no they're not bolivian rams they're butterfly rams'

Butterfly rams is the less common, less 'correct' name for bolivian rams but they ARE the same thing. So basically they lied on the phone about having bolivians on order and then don't have enough knowledge to even know alternative common names.


I went down and spoke to the guy I spoke to on the phone, afterall I did want to buy one cause they were in quite good condition. This was prior to me having a driving license and prior to fish inc opening. In passing I mentioned that butterfly and bolivian rams were the same thing. He laughed in my face and then continued to speak over my head to my boyfriend whenever I asked a question.


And this wasn't a weekend sales boy... this was the owner. Often they have poor stock, disease, un acceptable levels of dead fish left in tanks and I've only ever had poor customer service if it has been anything more than literally going in and buying something. Questions are met with condecending answers(from the men, the lady who worked there was nice though...she at least admitted she didn't know about fish). I'm perfectly happy to be served by people who don't know about fish so long as they're honest and don't try lying. It doesn't matter what they say to me, but I just think about all the people new to fish that are getting poor/incorrect advice. You expect the owner to know what he's selling back to front though.


I've got to admit I've not been for a couple of years now, but I've spoken to people who've been in recently and they say that nothing has changed.


He had staff last year when i started going in but he is on is own now. I`ve only been fishkeeping just over a year and its more pond fish, even though i have a tank in the house. Like i said he has always been helpful and my fish have all been ok.

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I bought a tench off him last year for my pond but he would not sell until my pond water had been tested. Just remembered. The one you mentioned at Doncaster had loads of dead fish in the pond section earlier this year but they do have a great tropical section. I use the one at oldcoates for our pond fish now, i bought some crass carp in May, they were really helpful. Thanks for your info though.

Edited by lilie-mae
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He also asks for a water test for you to buy fish for a brand new tank.


He mentions nothing about cycling and so in effect he literally is asking for a tap water sample.


Then goes 'yep your water is great, here have some fish'.


Then people come back with dead fish 'Oh I'll need a sample of water'


'Oh well there is your problem, you've got bad water'


'But you tested it and told us it was fine'


etc etc

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Are there any good aquatic shops in Sheffield any more?


I don't think the one you are all talking about is half as bad as people are making out. I would say 50% of my fish come from there and i have never had a disease problem. Another shop i rate is a tiny little one up near Concord Park (don't know the name of it). He doesn't have many tanks but the stock he has always looks in top condition to me.


Just a note about the OP... White spot (or Ich), can be carried into the tank by 'carrier fish'. These are fish that have survived a much lesser outbreak of white spot in the past. The LFS (local fish supplier), is in the same boat as anyone else and may not have had any knowledge of the problem. Even if every fish they sell is quarantined for two weeks there is still the possibility of a carrier being there. Once the carrier fish is added to a tank the white spot spreads and any stress in the tank will bring on an outbreak.

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