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Does anyone suffer with sinusitis?

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I suffer with this too, my doctor wont give me anything and says to take paracetamol or something stronger if it gets bad, I got mine after getting a severe headache for days on end then a 2 day nose bleed where I was kept in hospital for 3 days then got diagnosed with it.


I use a variety of things :hihi:


Essential oils - Eucalyptus, camphor(white) both very strong and peppermint and lavender for when my head is playing up more because I find the peppermint opens your airways more and the lavender soothes your headache nicely.


I use an oil burner for mine - or sometimes I use a carrier oil and add some eucalyptus into a really hot bath and that helps quite a bit.


I always carry a tub of white tiger balm too, a small tub lasts quite a while.


I work with essential oils so I use them more than medication as I find they have better ways of clearing your airways better than taking a tablet.


I think I'm in the right job.. If I'm feeling rough I can go in and bottle up some oils and clear my head at the same time :hihi:

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I get mine from boots, its very rare they have the white one in so I have to go back and check, Ive seen it in asda though as well so maybe have a look there??


I *think* holland and barretts do it too, I know when I lived in sheffield the boots in Crystal Peaks definatetly sold it there for just under a fiver.

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developed it during pregnancy, ended up with my eyes swollen half shut for a few days, it reoccurs regularly so i use nasal spays ALOT bugger the "dont use it more than a week" rule, i often need it to be able to sleep otherwise i wake in the night fighting to breath and feeling like ive been hit in the face with a frying pan

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Have any of you ever had the full-on "can't even move without excrutiating pain" stage of it or is that just me?


yep have had that, thats when my eyes tend to end up swollen shut too, thats when i need antibiotics

i tend to keep co-codamol in the house for that ans paracetamol/ibuprophen doesnt help

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Thanks everyone who replyed !


Ive ended up using OTRIVINE SINUSITIS SPRAY , within seconds my nose was clear , and felt it draining at back of my throat ( yak ! lol) and was lovely to be able to smell things again !! but the pressure is still there in head , you are right you could quite easily chop your head off !!


The doctor has given my anti b's but they arent working , gunna go back monday to see if i can have anything else. x

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