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Your thoughts on tattoos and piercings!

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Originally posted by Abdul

Piercings make me queasy, and as for tattoos, well, they're acceptable for ex-convicts and the workshy.


Very unlike you to make such a generalised comment!


I've got a tattoo, as have most of my friends (in fact, all of them I think) and every single one of us works full time, and have never been convicted of anything!


To the thread creator, go with what most people have said- Get one if you want one but think long and hard about it and make it unique.

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Personaly i love both tattoos and piercings.I not got any tattoos has i not seen one i would like to have for the rest of my life.I do have piercings and i have got bored with them so i took a few out,only couple i have in now that can not been seen,but least i know they can heal up and not have to cover up like a tattoo.On men i do like tattoos,i like to see the celtic type on men.On some woman it does look nice,my siss has many tattoos on her body some i like and some i dont.Might have one done like my mum did for her 50th that is a nice one,and she was the one that use to have a go at me and my siss for tattoos and piercings.I know it is a personal thing but too many tattoos like my friend has had i think spoils the look of someone IMO.

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Like anything, tattoo's and piercings are an individual choice.

Bit like Marmite I s'pose, you either love 'em or hate 'em.

I only have one tattoo, not on my back but on my forearm but it was my personal choice. I wanted a tattoo I could easily show and had my nose pierced about 20 years ago when I was punky, so I only tend to wear a nose stud when I go out now.

My sister has tons of them but not all visible.

But another factor is the expense, I know if I could truly afford them, I'd have loads but something else always seems to need paying whenever I have any spare dosh :)

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I think you will find as many different opinions as there are forum members! Personally, I do not like to see tattoos on women, unless they are in a place you cannot normally see. As for piercings, they make me feel quite ill - I would not even have my ears pierced for all the coffee in Brazil. But it is all just a matter of opinion.


If you are having to ask pthers what they think before you have it done, maybe you dont really want it? Think long & hard first. xx

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Well I have just had my 4th tat, I have got one on my wrist, ankle and upperarm and my latest being some ivy across the top of my sholders and back with 3 lillys in the middle.


I have also got my belly, lip, tounge nose and ears pierced.


A few poeple (ie mum and dad) was worried initiallybefore I had the various things done cos they didn't want me to look like a freak but even they think that they look tasteful.


Each one of my tattoo's or piercings mean somthing personal to me and as long as I like them (which I do) I am not bothered what anybody thinks.

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'tis strange that people were branded, tattoed and shackled in the pleasant days of old; usually when they were about to be sold as slaves, incarcerated for the rest of their earthly or sent to the concentration camps.


Now it's a lifestyle choice :|


Well I don't care what you all think :P


It is freaky and it does make me queasy, and yes you do look like a buncha ex-cons, or (in the case of the ladies) a wannabee gangsta's beeyatch.


The whole idea of tatoos and piercings just screams CHAV CHAV CHAV



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