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Help! My dog won't accept my new pup.

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Tilly is 5 and a staffy cross. She isn't good with small dogs but plays happily with anything bigger than herself.


A week ago, we bought a 6 week old German Shepherd, and Tilly won't accept him, to the point that we are having to keep them separate at all times for fear of Arthur's safety.


Do I have to wait until he gets bigger than Tilly, or can anyone suggest any training strategies that may help. Life in the house is pretty stressful at the moment.

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Theory is, if she won't accept him as a small pup, then she won't accept him at all. Dogs are usually much more tolerant of puppies, and tend not to attack them like they would other adult dogs. I had a staffy who wasn't good with other dogs, as she hadn't be socialised before I rescued her. I got a pup, and was terrified of what she would do, but she picked him up by the scruff of his neck, carried him off, and mothered him, wouldn't let me get close. Then they became great friends, and he was the only adult dog she would tolerate. I don't know what to suggest in your case, I'm sure someone will have more solid advice :) Good luck

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I agree with the comments, my elder dog took a while to get used to the pup. It was only about three or four days, but he was only 1 himself...


Give him a little longer to get used to not being the only dog in the village :)

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Thanks for the encouraging words. I keep wondering if I haven't been fair to Tilly getting another dog, but my last 2 dogs lived happily together for 15 years. It wasn't without fights in the early days whilst they established the pecking order but nothing like Tilly - she is so stressed.


I firmly believe a dog is for life, so we will persevere and at least hope for a truce. Roll on 30th May when we can get them out together!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, we have had Arthur for 3 weeks now, and today we have witnessed the light at the end of the tunnel. Tilly sniffed at Arthur then stood and studiously ignored him whilst he sniffed back.


I know that is a minuscule step, but it is certainly one in the right direction.


He has doubled (literally) in weight in 3 weeks and at this rate it won't be long before he is as big as her.

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Well, we have had Arthur for 3 weeks now, and today we have witnessed the light at the end of the tunnel. Tilly sniffed at Arthur then stood and studiously ignored him whilst he sniffed back.


I know that is a minuscule step, but it is certainly one in the right direction.


He has doubled (literally) in weight in 3 weeks and at this rate it won't be long before he is as big as her.


Really gd to hear, we all said it would take time :)

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