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Canvassers on The Moor

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As I was coming out of Superdrug on The Moor yesterday a bloke jumped out in front of me with a fake smile plastered all over his face and shouted at me "AS YOU'RE WEARING SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DRESS I JUST HAVE TO TALK TO YOU!". I am thoroughly sick and tired with not being able to walk up the Moor without being harrassed by these people (whoever they're working for) so I said "No you don't have to talk to me! Stop disturbing me!" He then shouted gleefully with another fake smile "HAVE A NICE DAY!" so I told him to (a four letter word beginning with "F") off. A six letter word beginning with "W".


I don't blame you for reacting like that. Canvassers are just annoying no matter whether it's for organisations like Shelter that I support or anti-abortionist nutters, one of whom once told me on Fargate that she had evidence of mass murder in Sheffield. I told her to go to the police in that case. Shelter ones are really false with the smile and cheery persona. They should all be allowed to have stalls that people can approach but not to approach people. I always tell them I'm already late for work and must dash.

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I must say however that the majority of Big Issue sellers are polite, especially the one who is normally outside Sainsburys on the Moor shouting something along the lines of 'have a nice day, keep smiling...'


Agreed about Big Issue sellers. I often buy one.

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The man was importuning this poor woman, who has a right to defend her personal space.


With abusive language!! How is that acceptable? Is it ok having been polite with a 'no thank you' that they return with '**** you then lady'

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Seconded. I'm always polite to Big Issue sellers, they're doing a great job.


They're doing 'A' job as newspaper vendors it is hardly great. Yes they are polite which is very nice and it will most likely be their remit to be that way. You appreciate politeness yet show none to someone whose approach was apparently abusive and quite possibly sexist because of an innocent comment relating to your dress; something women will not tolerate :rolleyes: Did you consider that your outburst in a public place may well have offended passers by, children? People are far to reactionary now. A first instinct is to attack either physically or verbally yet it's a reaction that when aimed at them causes distress, hurt and anger. You were wrong to behave they way you did when 'No' was enough before walking away.

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As I was coming out of Superdrug on The Moor yesterday a bloke jumped out in front of me with a fake smile plastered all over his face and shouted at me "AS YOU'RE WEARING SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DRESS I JUST HAVE TO TALK TO YOU!". I am thoroughly sick and tired with not being able to walk up the Moor without being harrassed by these people (whoever they're working for) so I said "No you don't have to talk to me! Stop disturbing me!" He then shouted gleefully with another fake smile "HAVE A NICE DAY!" so I told him to (a four letter word beginning with "F") off. A six letter word beginning with "W".


Nice woman then...Just try 'No thanks' or ignoring them in future. I've always found they work just fine and wont end up with you being arrested under section the public order act.

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With abusive language!! How is that acceptable? Is it ok having been polite with a 'no thank you' that they return with '**** you then lady'


Spot on, 'Can I interest you in.....' 'No thanks' 'Oh well f*** off then you b****'


I wonder if she'd have come on here then trying to make herself look big, or would she have run straight to the local cop shop and screamed abuse.


I don't condone violence but I would love to have read that he then came up behind her and smashed her over the back of the head with his clipboard.

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I'm sick of them too, whether they are 'just doing their job' (now that is an old chesnut!) or not I find they are often rude and patronising. I've never sworn at them or whatever but I usually say 'no thank you'. Sometimes this works, but often they will continue to follow me down the street shouting after me, which is embarrasing and bordering on harrassment. :nono:

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