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Canis lupus

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Everything posted by Canis lupus

  1. What is an ideal body? Whose ideals are you aspiring to?
  2. All well and good but many problems are caused by people that have no experience or understanding of dogs and are quick to label any mouth movement as out and out aggression and it's this misunderstanding, that is sufficient enough to see a dog destroyed.
  3. Which all suggests that our dogs are relatively safe from any knee jerk craziness at least for now which is a good thing.
  4. Incidentally Cyclone, how would you define an industrial area?
  5. In legal terms residential would be identified as exactly that, somewhere that has housing as the predominant feature. Green space/parks might be termed as recreational. Not everything has a 'legal' definition in order for it to be recognised as such. And no, industrial areas are not common areas to walk dogs but this could be due to the fact that it isn't residential so people and pets are not there in any great number.
  6. Somewhere that housing is the dominant feature as opposed to factories or industry
  7. There's a stage before 'rescue centres' where just the mention of biting is enough to have the animal destroyed.
  8. It would be nice to see the 'Royal' endorsement removed as well, that might be the kick up the arse they need.
  9. I'm not defending their behaviour, I don't have a lot of time or respect for them myself and it is annoying to see their ads on TV that portray them in such a way as to be squeaky clean and if it was a product then trades description might be an issue. I have doubts about Blue Cross also with their 'never put a healthy animal down' claim. What is their interpretation of healthy, does it extend to not dog friendly?
  10. I think there are too many restrictions on what they can or cannot do. Entering a premises I believe is a no-no as legally they have no power to remove an animal from a home. Even so the process should be a lot quicker.
  11. Touching on that subject. I was walking one of ours the other day, granted he's not the best, bit of a rogue when he's out but it's forgiveable considering he's spent 3 of his last 4 years in kennels; he is improving slowly. He doesn't get off the lead at all due to his current love of doing a runner. Anyway i digress. A lady with two dogs leaves her house as we approach. I stop and casually shorten the lead length to prevent any incidents, I'd not seen these dogs before. She in all her wisdom allows her dog to get to mine despite seeing his behaviour and then remarks on how nasty mine is when he snaps. The point I suppose I'm trying to make is that a persons perception of what is and what is not nasty behaviour makes a big difference to any outcome and much of what is described as aggression is nothing more than a warning, something dogs understand but very few owners can relate to.
  12. Yes it is extreme but lets face it, a lot of our solutions to problems are knee jerk reactions and leads and muzzles as permanent fixtures are a good example of how a lot of people think. I disagree with the idea as a blanket law.
  13. Common sense prevails and all that but if the law was introduced it would then have to identify one street from the next or introduce by-laws which are already in place in some areas and ignored so it comes down to individual responsibility in the end.
  14. http://www.ibiza-spotlight.com/ Have a gander at this it's stuffed with useful info
  15. Would it not have been wiser to find this out before booking....
  16. No it doesn't you're right but I do think that locally/nationally our government should accept responsibility also. All the time there are charities and rescues busting a gut to ease the problem they can sit back in denial. There's no need for them to take a tough stance on a problem they're not paying for. Rescues are a wonderful thing in theory, in practice maybe they make a rod for their own backs.
  17. Well without sensationalising it's about the RSPCA's non advertised destruction policy regarding dogs.
  18. Is it any different from the hundreds that die on a weekly basis anyway in pounds and rescues that are left with little choice but to euthanase?
  19. According to Google there did used to be a number of ponds there and mill races that the forge used..
  20. Whose gonna know you're breaking the law if there's no one around to see it
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