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Curries! How do you like yours?


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it also its not as spicy as proper srilankan food so still not authentic diff yes not athentic


A Sri Lankan friend has pronounced Dhanistha pretty authentic! They serve the food with three degrees of spiciness if you ask (mild, medium and hot). I've only ever had mild (at the waiters suggestion on my first visit) and that was hot enough for me (some beads of perspiration rolling down the forehead).

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A Sri Lankan friend has pronounced Dhanistha pretty authentic! They serve the food with three degrees of spiciness if you ask (mild, medium and hot). I've only ever had mild (at the waiters suggestion on my first visit) and that was hot enough for me (some beads of perspiration rolling down the forehead).



Dhanistha is becoming very popular and rightly so. Food is as good at East / West but is about like eating in a transport cafe!

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A Sri Lankan friend has pronounced Dhanistha pretty authentic! They serve the food with three degrees of spiciness if you ask (mild, medium and hot). I've only ever had mild (at the waiters suggestion on my first visit) and that was hot enough for me (some beads of perspiration rolling down the forehead).


The point I'm trying to make is authentic food shouldn't be done eg mild med or hot or less or more spicy it should be as it's served at home same heat same flavor as an sirlankan person will eat at home to me that's wot authentic means it should be served as it is :( and shouldn't have to be modified for someone in any way wot so ever other wise its not authentic that's the issue I had in Chesterfield I tried to serve authentic food but customers was asking me to modify it e.g don't like bones don't like it spicy wont it mild to keep customers happy I did modify it :( and I'm pretty sure that's wot they will have to do for there customers iv tried east n west ant been to the other one yet will report back to u once I hav :D

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Dhanistha is becoming very popular and rightly so. Food is as good at East / West but is about like eating in a transport cafe!


It should do as it's something new to Sheffield that's y I wana try my authentic menu to see if that takes off to as it's something new aswell but I just don't see y I can't give ppl the choice to have best of both worlds ;)

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I have mostly given up on curry in Sheffield, no effort goes into the food, its the most generic base sauce in everything with a little variation between dishes. The last curry I had that actually tasted freshly made was from the Mogul Rooms on Sharrowvale road and it was lovely. Previously I used Gulshan quite a bit but the last curry I bought from them was rubbish. The Mangla is one of the worst and people still go on about how good it is, either people are happy to eat crap or they have always only ever ordered the same thing so have not even noticed that everything they sell is basically the same!



Cook fresh food with a bit of passion and you could do well. I guess asking yourself if you would be happy paying for it would be a good starting point. I think East and West and Dhianasta? have done so well because they are cooking something different.


We plane to employ 25 staff working day and night to ensure the food is fresh for the past 22 years my parents did the day shift and chefs did the knight shift so don't get me wrong but if all those chefs (even befor I was born) in the past was doing something wong then y are so many Indian restaurant so busy and y is there such a craze for there food and y are there so many restaurants in the uk restaurants like ur saying didn't excist 10 20 or even 50 years ago so y knock these chefs now I wouldn't for 1 bit if it wasn't for them Indian restaurants wouldn't be wot they are today so I'm grateful to them for wot they did for the industry it gives ppl like me to the chance to make it better cos the hard part of building the industry the'v dun it.

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I just think that some would be prepared to pay a little extra for something that is more traditional.


You've hit the nail on the head - it depends who your market is. The sort of crowd who go to a traditional friday night few beers & a curry place are going to want very different things to the sort of crowd who like to try out new restaurants or who may have travelled a bit and want food like they've had on their travels.. nobody is right or wrong - they're just after different things...

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Apologies for my earlier comment. I would never ask someone to stop what they are doing if it is so obviously what his/her customers want.


I just think that some would be prepared to pay a little extra for something that is more traditional.


No need to say sorry I did join this forum to find out wot ppl want in a restaurant good or bad if it wasn't for my customers I wouldn't be wher I am today I'm gona give every one a choice it's up to them what they chose and hopefully it will start a chain reaction lol most of these restauranturs are like a Hurd of sheep they follow the same directions as someone that can make something work aagrah came to Sheffield now we see sum nice restaurants for a change remember how restaurants used to be 5 years ago? It's up to the ppl il be the first to stick my neck out u make it a success and BANG we have authentic restaurants popping up all over Sheffield without the support of the ppl it's not gona be possible :D

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You've hit the nail on the head - it depends who your market is. The sort of crowd who go to a traditional friday night few beers & a curry place are going to want very different things to the sort of crowd who like to try out new restaurants or who may have travelled a bit and want food like they've had on their travels.. nobody is right or wrong - they're just after different things...


Correct I agree with you completely I wana cater for every ones taste not just target one group you came in with a few of ur mates u might want tridishnal ur friends might want standard y shouldn't you be able to have it in 1 place :D

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A good curry doesn't


Spices and heat are not intrinsically linked


However, some restaurants are geared up to the ******-up brit looking to prove his "hard man" status after 12 pints and, well, they are only catering to a market


Think I should do something for these ppl too how about if I put them up Agenst one of my chefs if he can eat all of it it's free if he can't I charge him extra lol hmmm hottest curry competition u agents the chef? Who do u think will win?

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