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How do i stop their cat from sitting on my car!


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I can see this turning into a neighbor row! If someone came and squirted my cats without talking to me about it first I would be really unhappy. It may not be cruel as such but I would still be annoyed.


Can't you go down the route of something smelly? I don't want to make any suggestions as I don't know what would damage paint work to your car but I know mine don't like lemon cleaner smell - finally stopped them coming in muddy and walking all over the bathroom :rolleyes: or try talking to the neighbor in a friendly way. Maybe they have a suggestion- or are ok with the water pistol idea.

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Id be much happier if my cat came home wet one day rather than a peeeed off neighbour knocking on my door with an expensive bill to repaint their bonnet.


Sure cats are difficult to train but at the end of the day they are your responsibility (the cat owner - not the neighbour) and your neighbours (the OP) should not suffer because of your bad kitty !


A few years ago one of my cats used to sit on a neighbours car. One day he tried to jump on the bonnet and slipped - obviously the claws came out as struggled to get traction, resulting in lovely scratches down one side of the car. I saw this happen and immediatley went round to apologise and to offer to pay for the repair, the neighbour was cool about it.


Have you spoken to your neighbour about their cats maybe they would be happy for you to squirt them (the cats not the owners).

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Well may I put this to you, if both you and the neighbour have seen the cat on your car and he (or she) hasn't done anything about it and YOU haven't mentioned your distate..


Then how on earth is your neighbour supposed to know it annoys you?

Seriously? Do not go water-pistolling the cat. You will only end up with one hell of a ******-off neighbour.

Speak to them.

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Well may I put this to you, if both you and the neighbour have seen the cat on your car and he (or she) hasn't done anything about it and YOU haven't mentioned your distate..


Then how on earth is your neighbour supposed to know it annoys you?Seriously? Do not go water-pistolling the cat. You will only end up with one hell of a ******-off neighbour.

Speak to them.


Common sense. Ever come across anyone delighted by something like this?

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Well may I put this to you, if both you and the neighbour have seen the cat on your car and he (or she) hasn't done anything about it and YOU haven't mentioned your distate..


Then how on earth is your neighbour supposed to know it annoys you?

Seriously? Do not go water-pistolling the cat. You will only end up with one hell of a ******-off neighbour.

Speak to them.


Surely scratches on your car would annoy everyone???

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Would people really be upset if some sprayed their cat with a water-pistol? Honestly? I doubt I'd even notice a small damp patch on the cat, if I did I wouldn't think anything of it. Nobody is suggesting soaking him, just a bit of a spray.


If the owners were that precious about their cat it wouldn't be outside sitting on your car, it'd be indoors only with it's own kitty gym. Spraying with a bit of water is completely harmless, you probably only need to actually get him once, the noise alone would be enough after that.


I think I'd be more annoyed about my garden being used as a litter tray, the lion poo might be good for that, and hopefully good for your plants too :D

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Having worked with Lions And Tigers for nearly 15 years i can say that Lion dung works very well if you go to Doncaster wildlife park im sure they would let you have some.


that only works surely if the animals are familiar with the responsible party?

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