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What are the pros and cons of laser eye surgery ?

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I havnt had it done but i've looked extensivley into it from the old days when they used to use scalpels and slice your eyeballs to the modern day methods.


It doent wear off as you say, what happens is the same thing that happens to everyone else over the age of 45, the lens in the eyes become rigid and stop flexing so you can see thing close up without glasses, so in your mid to late 40's you may have to wear glasses for reading or driving,


Some people get a condition called glaring at night, its something i would learn to live with as i have done wearing glasses for the last 37 years

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it doesn't always work, you can be left with "starring" of lights.


even if the procedure gives you 20-20 vision, you will still need specs as you get older and your "near" vision deteriorates (Presbyopia)


it only works on certain degrees of adjustment needed.




you aren't wearing specs to get steamed up when cooking


you pay out once, and your sight is corrected, none of this "new specs every couple of years" mularkey.


when you get hot, your specs don't slide down your nose.

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It has got better, I had a consultation at specsavers in Meadowhall and was very impressed. I only took the consultation as they have a monthy draw to win free surgery, I came out actually thinking it was something to consider as opposed to thinking I would have it done if it was free!


The technology has come forward but it costs! The glare you get is apparently on the older method, they advertise it from 500quid but mine was going to cost 3k per eye. I have larger pupils so would need the full eye map (or summat). Pop in to specsavers of enter one of the on line competitions they advertise and someone will get onto you and arrange an appointment.

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Hi had mine done with my sister about 8 years ago & can't recommend it enough. We went to Ultralase in Leeds as no one in Sheffield was doing it at the time.


Neither of us had any problems exept I now have reading glasses (as do many people with age). Thing is this would have happened anyway so would have ended up needing bi focals. Can manage without them find myself doing that thing that people of a certain age start doing when they hold everything at arms length so they can read it.


On the plus side its just fantastic to be able to see all the time when swimming, in the shower or bath, on waking up & to be able to see the full picture - rather than the bit through my small glasses frame.

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All this 400 quid a eye stuff is gonads. You have to sign up (which is hard having vision impairment) and the APR shoots it to a million, or something. The above posters are correct. My ex mate Bernard had his eyes done, and he sees stars watching the telly. I'm keeping with my pint pots, I think I look better with them, than without.


Contacts might be the way to go. But, having googled them, when it works, you can end up losing eyeballs and stuff. No way I'm doing that.

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My wife had hers done 10 years ago. She still thinks it's the best money she's ever spent. No problems whatsoever. We went to an 'open day' the company held before she had them done. There were loads of people there saying how good it was and not one complaining.

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My wife had hers done 10 years ago. She still thinks it's the best money she's ever spent. No problems whatsoever. We went to an 'open day' the company held before she had them done. There were loads of people there saying how good it was and not one complaining.


They sent the invitations in small print 8)

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