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ADHD or Just Naughty kids "the Star"

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in tonights star is an article about ADHD & PDA, is this just a convenient label for naughty and badly brought up kids? prehaps a trial period of good old fashioned discipline for say 6 months would sort them out?


Can you post a link please as I cant find the article.

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ADHD and 'Aspberger's Syndrome' are largely side effects of the medicalisation of social and public life, so that virtually every kind of personal deficiency is now classified as a medical condition of some kind, requiring special dispensations and the help of 'support workers'. Indeed, we appear to have reached the stage where any badly behaved child, or anybody with a mild eccentricity or a seemingly odd personality trait can be labelled as having a 'condition'. This is responsible for the emergence of new vested interests which perpetuate and promote these dubious 'illnesses'. Moreover, it is also responsible for the widespread dispensation of powerful, and possibly damaging, drugs to children. When I lived in the US, I well remember a frequent topic of conversation between groups of parents was the dosage of Ritalin being given to their offspring.


you're right. remember back in the fifties when antidepressants came up and near enough every woman in the states was on one or the other? with the advent of feminism and women taking power and responsibility this became unacceptable and levels fell. making a comeback somewhat, though.

then, when, for lack of a better word, 'rights' and the 'new wave' of child psychology came and made all child rearing technics pretty much evil people found that since you can't 'shout', 'spank', 'belittle' etc your child the one 'acceptable' way to deal with it was to drug them and leave them unable to do anything that would require 'spanking'...

there are many kids who have real problems, but they have been snowed under by 'lazy' parent, all too powerful doctors who can get parents to do anything(they get pretty good commissions from drug companies too) leaving them competing for resources and services when they really shouldn't.

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When was ADHD first reconised in children? When l was at school infant and secondary every child knew the rules and and kept to them. Children are born the same now as they always have been, what has changed the poor mites, l don't think its the kids with problems.

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Ok. I managed to find the link myself.



I work with many children on the autistic spectrum and have lived with the effects of autism( have a son aged 20) and have a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome myself.

We know that autism is a life long neurological difference and the effects are disabling to very differing degrees. ADHD is a co morbid condition.


Psychologists are now changing their mind again and accepting that PDA now comes under the ASDs, Autistic Spectrum Disorders after originally thinking that it didnt.

Research is continuing. Sheffield has one of the finest Autism Research centres at Sheffield Hallam University and sits alongside other centres of excellence like Cambridge.

I have worked with Ray of Hope, a parent led charity here in Sheffield and they know what they are talking about. Parents are often the ones who can offer the right kind of support for these disabling conditions, but the authorities and services need to have an awareness of the difficulties that living with a hidden disability poses.

ADHD is one of those conditions that parents understand better as it is easier to see the effects of adhd as opposed to conditions like Asperger Syndrome and PDA.

In some cases it is also necessary to raise awareness of best practices with parents themesleves. After all there is no manual for being a parent and if we dont have instinct to guide us then we often have to learn the hard way.

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A clip around the ear, or a belt across the back of the legs I found, puts an end to bad behaviour quite quickly. Sadly, most parents dont enforce this now, thus the kids grow up to be scumbags and losers.


If you had a child with PDA that would be the exact opposite of what a parent should do as it would contribute to the problem.

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A clip around the ear, or a belt across the back of the legs I found, puts an end to bad behaviour quite quickly. Sadly, most parents dont enforce this now, thus the kids grow up to be scumbags and losers.


If there's a thrashing children equivalent of Godwin's Law, I call it here.


I suppose it should be shocking that there are still people that advocate violence as way of teaching children, but sadly it isn't, it's just a bit sad.

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A clip around the ear, or a belt across the back of the legs I found, puts an end to bad behaviour quite quickly. Sadly, most parents dont enforce this now, thus the kids grow up to be scumbags and losers.

at last some sense!

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