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Unofficial forum meet! 14th Jan - Bankers Draft - Sheffield Centre


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Jeeez, I have heard some feeble excuses, but that's about as weak an excuse as weak excuses go :D



Get well soon ;)


"weak" is a damn good description of mojo - I practically had to prop the poor cow up on her chair when we were having coffee this afternoon.


If she's passed on her cold to me, she won't be attending the next meeting ... or the one after that, come to think of it ..... :hihi:

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Oh jongo one shoe you tell lies sheish found us :hihi:


Fantastic meet, lovely to see so many of you out last night i really enjoyed it.


Here's to the next one :partyhat:


Sheish and Scozzie went in to a bar for a pee and I never saw them again :suspect:


Think that was a polite way of telling me to ................ :D

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