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Rising Unemployment to cost extra £1.4 Billion-Price worth paying?

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It took 3 1/2 billion years, 3 ice ages, 2 world wars, the depression, and a civil war, for government debt to reach £350 billion. It only took 13 years of Gordon Brown as Chancellor and Prime Minister to increase that debt to £1350 billion.


Oh look, the old fallback of losing an argument - The act of discreditation through absurdity

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Oh look, the old fallback of losing an argument - The act of discreditation through absurdity


Silly me, and there I was thinking that was titanic's job....:hihi::hihi:


As my signature says


"Thousands of years for the UK'S worth to go from nothing to 3 Trillion, then 13 years under Labour for it to go from 3 to 7-9Trillion,messed economy up?"


Admit it, you'd love the same level of growth under the current shower.

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It seems the current Government has once again got its sums wrong and they’ve under-estimated the additional cost of rising Unemployment.


I know both parties have been out of power for a while and that potential for errors exist as a consequence of this, but could someone please get them to check and double-check their figures before they start trying to feed us nonsense we suspect isn’t true.


Regarding the point, High Unemployment is shocking (we always seem to get it when the Tories are in power), so why can’t we be a little bit more sensible in this by reducing the hours of those in work and consequently getting others into work, and reducing the Welfare Bill.


Whilst we are on this subject, can we have the age for claiming your Retirement Pension brought back down to 65 to free up jobs for people currently unemployed.





Yep, what did people used to say about Thatcher when they made millions unemployed back then?

'Isn't this the economics of the madhouse?'


Looks like they're at it again.



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It took 3 1/2 billion years, 3 ice ages, 2 world wars, the depression, and a civil war, for government debt to reach £350 billion. It only took 13 years of Gordon Brown as Chancellor and Prime Minister to increase that debt to £1350 billion.




Was Brown also the PM in America, Greece, Spain etc,etc........


I can understand that you are desperate, but Labour were leading us OUT of recession not back into one.

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Was Brown also the PM in America, Greece, Spain etc,etc........


I can understand that you are desperate, but Labour were leading us OUT of recession not back into one.


No and they signed us up to this without our consent......



Delegating our powers to other less stable economies!

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What do you mean 'No' it is fact that Labour were leading us out of recession.


The Cons alway's increase unemployment and interest rates.


No I mean they got us into the recession!


The educated idiots (that are bankers) leant money to people who couldn't afford it, & the educated idiots who oversaw it (the government) failed to regulate it!


Aren't interest rate rises designed to stop people who can't afford to borrow money from....well borrowing money.....an idea lost on Labour it seems!

Edited by Bedders
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