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I'm not shopping at Cole Brothers any more


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I've had enough of the "attitude" of the customers/staff in Cole Brothers.


On Saturday I was waiting at the electrical counter (to buy an Ipod), I was the only person there, for about 10 minutes, then this older couple turned-up in the usual John Lewis uniform (looking like extras from a Daily Mail advert, tweed and pearls etc.).


Then the sales assistant turned-up.


I was just about to start talking when the old woman just pushed past me and started rabbiting-on about a laptop she wanted.

So I just said "excuse me, I was here first, I want to buy an Ipod", she completely ignored me and so did the shop assistant, literally they just pretended I wasn't there.

So I said "excuse me" again, and they still just ignored me.


What got me realy mad is that she knew I was there first.


Anyway they can shove the ipod and their account card up their collective arses, I won't be going in there again.





I just wanted to get that off my chest 'cause I've been fuming about it all weekend.

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I fail to see any justification for your annoyance, Nick2. You've only yourself to blame, in my view...


Fancy saying "I want to buy an iPod" in a select establishment! What a faux-pas! It's hardly surprising that you were totally ignored, it was the kindest thing to do under the circumstances... Many people have no experience of dealing with the 'confused & misguided' in the community! :D;)

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Try House of Fraser at Meadowhall instead. They are a great department store with the friendliest of staff! IMO.

I know what you mean about the snooty-ness of certain store dwellers though. Like 'get over yourself' (you only work in a shop you know)! And it's funny how people's wealth often correlates with their ability to be rude and put themselves first. (Perhaps that's why they are wealthy)?




Thing is I don't think they do i-pods.


Are you going for a nano? They are great!


I bought mine from Selfridges in Town. Mind you the passing American tourists seemed to know more about which one to get than the serving staff.:rolleyes:

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Yeah, I'm after a nano, but Coles was the only place that had them, Sheffield being the futuristic go-ahead city that it is half the other shops hadn't heard of them :(


I'll try Leeds or Manchester at the weekend.

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Coles is an Apple reseller - so I'd be very surprised if they did not.


I have always found the staff to be delightful and helpful though.


Instead of a self-imposed ban (why? it's a lovely shop) - better to take the name of the assistant, and write a brief letter of complaint perhaps?

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It wasn't so much the assistant, it was the snotty cow customer, but there tend to be so many of them in Coles, swanning about looking down at you, though some of the assistants are full of themselves too.

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OK, Nick2, sarcastic digs aside... Why not order via the 'Net, from This Dealer for example, excellent reputation and after-sales service...


If you order now, you'll have it in less than 24 hours time... PLUS you'll be able to try it out thoroughly for the next seven working days and if it isn't to your liking, you can return it for a full refund, less carriage, within that time-period.




oops! Seems only the white 2-gig version is in stock.

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I'd echo what Phan has said, Nick2.


Personally, I don't have a gripe with the staff at Cole Brothers - I've found most of them to be very helpful, laying stuff aside for me for a couple of days on a number of occasions - but some members of staff do have a really bad attitude problem.


But out and out rudeness like you describe is inexcusable. The way you were treated at the weekend was unbelievably rude, and you shouldn't put up with it. I'd definitely write to the store manager to complain, mentioning that Coles have lost your future custom because of the way you were treated. Maybe some staff members need more training in how to deal with obnoxious, demanding customers (it sounds to me like the woman customer you were complaining about quite intimidated the sales assistant), and the management need to know about this.



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Originally posted by Pseudonym

I fail to see any justification for your annoyance, Nick2. You've only yourself to blame, in my view...


Fancy saying "I want to buy an iPod" in a select establishment! What a faux-pas! It's hardly surprising that you were totally ignored, it was the kindest thing to do under the circumstances... Many people have no experience of dealing with the 'confused & misguided' in the community! :D;)


I'm in full agreement with Pseudonym


Given that the average age of a John Lewis customer has been scientifically proven to be 800 years old, they probably mistook you for the teaboy, or something.


Either that, or both their hearing-aids were set to Ignore :D


You weren't wearing a hooded jacket, were you?

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