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How much for a website?


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Hi canz


If you can provide more details of what you would like you will get a much more accurate quote. There are alot of factors that can affect the price of a website, ranging from pre built to custom builds, how dynamic the site is, what technologies are used. A good designer will go through a questionare to gain as much information as they can so both sides have a clear understanding of what's needed.


There are plenty of people who can help here, some good, others bad, just be honest with people about the work you expect and you will get a good quote from the skilled designers.

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Prices can start at £99 + hosting + domain name + vat. So the minimum is going to be about £150 (inc vat) for the first year, then about £50 per year after that.


More features & a custom design would cost extra, it's going to depend on what extra features you need, how much work it is and how complex (or stylish) the layout is. So it's important to go through every detail with your web designer to get an accurate quote.

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With all the same problems as his current free website & all the lock-in. So he'd have to do all the work again, wouldn't get anything better for it & after that wouldn't be able to export the data from his site onto anything better in future, just to save £6 on a domain name.


It's free as in if you don't pay any money then you get trapped. It's not freedom to do whatever you want.

Edited by anywebsite
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Prices can start at £99 + hosting + domain name + vat. So the minimum is going to be about £150 (inc vat) for the first year, then about £50 per year after that.


More features & a custom design would cost extra, it's going to depend on what extra features you need, how much work it is and how complex (or stylish) the layout is. So it's important to go through every detail with your web designer to get an accurate quote.


£50 per year for hosting??!??? That's way too much considering hosting for basic sites cost about £2 per month!


And to the OP, I'll PM you later when I'm not on my phone with some prices :)

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