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Semi organic allotment: companion plants?

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i'm going to get an allotment and would like to grow some veg and flowers/plants. i would like to be as organic as i can but appricate that other people will probably be using pestacides etc. would like any info on companion planting so that i can try to keep down pests naturally.

thanks in advance.

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You can get boxes for lacewing breeding - to keep the aphids down naturally.


And don't let ants thrive on your plot coz they 'farm' the aphids to harvest the sticky residue they produce.


Aphids like the tender green shoots at the growing tips of plants. Have a check twice a week for the appearance of these blighters, and if found, remove the whole infected area of the plant - usually just a couple of not-yet-formed leaves.


I'd like to know more about companion planting too :thumbsup:

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