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Osborne has to eat his words?

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I am an engineer, and am just setting off for work.

If and when this foul excuse for a governmnet causes my job to finish, I want another job as an engineer.

I am not going picking potatoes along with illegal immigrants as you suggest.

I have paid into the system all my life and will want my fair share of the insurance policy we all contribute to, the National Insurance.

it is my privelege and right as a British worker to have it.


So you have changed your tune then? You initially said there was no work about:


And what work will they do exactly?

From what I understand there is no work to be had.


So now you are saying even if there is paid employment, people should be able to turn their nose up at some careers because they might be holding out for something better?


This is exactly the problem with this country. People think doing certain jobs are below them, but expect the rest of society to foot the bill.

Edited by Berberis
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She sold of School playing fields, Railways, Public Transport, the Mines and the NHS.


And BT, British Gas, the water companies, the electrical distribution network


Do we want this again


Not really (they were even considering removing the free milk for children in primary schools recently, but dropped it when it becam public knowledge and was associated with Thatcher (milk/pension snatcher).

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And BT, British Gas, the water companies, the electrical distribution network




Not really (they were even considering removing the free milk for children in primary schools recently, but dropped it when it becam public knowledge and was associated with Thatcher (milk/pension snatcher).


It wasn't Thatcher that took away the Milk, it was the government. She wanted to keep it, but the cabinet had other ideas.


This was back when we had a government and not the presidential system imposed by Blair. Something we should all be happy is being dismantled.

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So you have changed your tune then? You initially said there was no work about:




So now you are saying even if there is paid employment, people should be able to turn their nose up at some careers because they might be holding out for something better?


This is exactly the problem with this country. People think doing certain jobs are below them, but expect the rest of society to foot the bill.


You are quite right.

Certain jobs are below me, and many others like me.

If you want to grub about like some 3rd world coolie be my guest, but dont expect self respecting educated hard working people to join you.


I have paid over and above what I should have into the system, over the decades I have worked, and will expect something back if all goes horlicks.

I live in England not some banana republic.

We are a welfare state, the money I, and millions like me, pay in is for the support of my fellow man, as much as myself.

Get with the program or get out is my advice to you people trying to kick over the traces.

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It wasn't Thatcher that took away the Milk, it was the government. She wanted to keep it, but the cabinet had other ideas.


This was back when we had a government and not the presidential system imposed by Blair. Something we should all be happy is being dismantled.


So you are of the opinion that we will be better off with this sham of a goverment.

Clegg has dumpted all the policy's he stood for as a Lib Dem and goes on to promote Tory policy's. If this lot are allowed to remain in power we will return to the 1970's.

We have Danny Alexander who has not a clue, Clegg is a joke and Cameron is a spoilt brat.

Does this trio give you confidence that they can run the country. Practical solutions are required not text book solutions and posh education does not make you compedent to run the country.

As regards the free milk as you say was not Thatcher, but her goverment that is a load of rubbish, take a look at the vote on the subject and the recomendations.


If you want the same spineless goverment that not only the Tory's will offer supported by guttless and with no backbone Clegg then you deserve all you wish for.


I for one want this lot out. How can Clegg walk the streets of Sheffield, today Danny Alexander visited Inverness his welcome also was not welcome as people do not trust hin they voted Lib Dem not Tory

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You are quite right.

Certain jobs are below me, and many others like me.

If you want to grub about like some 3rd world coolie be my guest, but dont expect self respecting educated hard working people to join you.


I have paid over and above what I should have into the system, over the decades I have worked, and will expect something back if all goes horlicks.

I live in England not some banana republic.

We are a welfare state, the money I, and millions like me, pay in is for the support of my fellow man, as much as myself.

Get with the program or get out is my advice to you people trying to kick over the traces.


I'm sorry to say, but you are of the complete wrong attitude here. Just because you have paid into the sate, that does not mean you are entitled to live off it. If you are unemployed, you are helped by the sate, but the rest of society is not here for you to sponge off while you sit on your pedestal waiting for the right job to come along.


If you are unemployed for more then a couple of years, you should do what ever work you can in order to keep yourself and not expect everyone else to fund your holiday from the working world.

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We have yet to see what the eventual outcome of this government will be, but certain things that have changed are good news for all.


Such as, I would be interested to know, because I seem to have missed the "good news"

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