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Grass snake at rother valley 2/8/10

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The word is venomous, and to carry on the pedantry i think it is only the adder which is venemous.


No, the word is poisonous. If you ate one it would make you very ill. Adders are safe to eat.

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you should go to holmesfield,,some 1 i know was bitten by an adder last month .took her to chesterfield royal hospital where we had to wait for anti venum to arrive from northern general ...but we were informed at hospital there are over 2,000 snake bites yearly in this country!! for most its not dangerous but you still need medical assistance ..but for some like the lady i.m talking of it was very bad as she is epileptic ..then a adder bite can be fatal ...grass snakes do not inject venum and are

identified by a ring round its neck ..adders have a "v"shape marking on the head. outer areas of sheffield have many snakes but you dont see them often unless you are out looking and know where to look..a fave of the snake is in compost bins where its warm and damp ..they are protected and you are not even allowed to try to clear them if they are in your garden just leave them alone and they will go away.adders are i of few snakes that dont lay eggs ..they give birth to baby snakes and will return to same hedge year after year to breed and hibernate.

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I've seen grass snakes in the city centre, not gonna say exactly where though.

I've also seen adders within the city boundary.


Oooh look.... An echo...


I've seen grass snakes in the city centre, not gonna say exactly where though.

I've also seen adders within the city boundary.





We used to catch grass snakes when I was young. There used to be a lot on the back-edge (behind Foxhill and on towards Grenoside).


He's an assasin.


Ass, as in ars--le?


Ha ha, just because somebody dares to have a different opinion to you?


Nope. Because you are. As posts like "Because they are evil, cold-blooded, venom-spitting reptiles." clearly shows you know nothing about the subject in question (grass snakes are non-venemous - the only venemous snake native to the UK is the adder).


no snakes are poisionous


The adder is, as is a Cobra (and many more):thumbsup:


Seventhly, they can dislocate their jaws, making their mouths even bigger.


Wrong (again). That's some snakes.


Wow, that'll teach me to have a differing opinion to you


Maybe if you opinion was backed up with facts rather than made up nonsense the outcome would be different.


Well, congratulations on choosing an insult that made me chuckle, unlike some of the other stupid responses I have received this evening


Stupid replies to stupid posts.


Seems fine to me.


Maybe you should "keep it shut" about things that you (obviously) know nothing about.

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nah its not pedantry, poision is to injest, venom is injected...


also i get pedantic if people say snakes hibernate


Adders hibernate - don't they? Or is it called something else in ectotherms? Or is it just torpor?

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Adders hibernate - don't they? Or is it called something else in ectotherms? Or is it just torpor?


brumate/brumation or spelt something like that.


hibernate means to into a deep sleep, but snakes generally stay awake, just dont move or eat, although still need access to water.

could be wrong with our native speice, but having kept snakes for 15 years, i used to brumate mine everywinter. no heat or light for 4 months, just water

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