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What do you believe in?

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If someone gave me hard proof that they did or didn't exist then I would accept it,
No-one can give you hard proof they don't exist, you can't prove a negative. What would it take to convince you that ghosts aren't real?


Just because the odds aren't even in your eyes doesn't mean that they aren't even to me.
Clearly, but that doesn't change the fact that the odds most definitely aren't even. It is far more likely that ghosts do not exist than it is that they do. Until there is any hard evidence that ghosts exist it is entirely reasonable to assume that they don't.


I respect your view but without you actually proving to me that someone who thought they saw a ghost was in fact suffering from some kind of psychosis, it doesn't really influence what I think. I don't see how that isn't being open minded?


I am pretty sure ghosts don't exist. If some evidence is shown to me that contradicts this I will change my mind about it. That's what being open minded is, not being indecisive/unsure about something. Answering mabye to the question of whether ghosts exist or not does not make you open minded.

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I am pretty sure ghosts don't exist. If some evidence is shown to me that contradicts this I will change my mind about it. That's what being open minded is, not being indecisive/unsure about something. Answering mabye to the question of whether ghosts exist or not does not make you open minded.



Ok then you win, I'm indecisive and close minded. Plus it's Friday afternoon and I want to go home.

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I find some of the things that people consider it acceptable to believe in very funny. If I stated that trees talk to me and tell me how to run my life, I would be called insane. If I convinced a million other people it was true it is suddenly acceptable.

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To you, but I have been mocked on here before for it. :|
Nothing wrong with using natural remedies as long as there's scientific evidence for their efficacy. People have been making natural remedies out of the bark from the willow tree for thousands of years due to its natural painkilling properties... It took the use of the scientific method to recognise and synthesise the acidic compound responsible. Know what its called today? Aspirin...


So as long as there's evidence that they work then go right ahead...

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;6141670']Nothing wrong with using natural remedies as long as there's scientific evidence for their efficacy. People have been making natural remedies out of the bark from the willow tree for thousands of years due to its natural painkilling properties... It took the use of the scientific method to recognise and synthesise the acidic compound responsible. Know what its called today? Aspirin...


So as long as there's evidence that they work then go right ahead...

My thoughts precisely

“I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same.”


Stannis Baratheon

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Just because the odds aren't even in your eyes doesn't mean that they aren't even to me.
They aren't even full stop... And jimmy is spot on with his description of what the phrase open mindedness means. You could be the biggest sceptic of ghosts on the planet and still be the most open minded person around as long as you change your mind without quibble when decent evidence arises that ghosts are in fact real...
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